Ulrich von Manderscheid

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Ulrich von Manderscheid († around 1436) was a German nobleman and archbishop of Trier. He was defeated in the election of Archbishop of Trier in 1430 , but did not acknowledge his defeat, which led to the Trier bishops' dispute.


Ulrich von Manderscheid was a brother of Dietrich II. Von Manderscheid († 1469), who gained influence through his armed services and the basis for the elevation of his son Dietrich III. († 1498) into the hereditary imperial count.

Trier bishops dispute

Ulrich was provost of Cologne and archdeacon in Trier when he applied for the office of Archbishop of Trier in 1430 after the death of Archbishop Otto von Ziegenhain . On February 27, 1430 the cathedral chapter elected a majority of the cathedral scholaster Jakob von Sierck as archbishop. Since Ulrich did not accept his defeat, both candidates traveled to Rome to obtain their approval from the Pope . However, Pope Martin V confirmed neither of the two and instead appointed the Bishop of Speyer , Raban von Helmstatt , as the new Archbishop of Trier in May 1430 . While Jakob von Sierck recognized the papal decision, Ulrich did not comply. Since the Trier cathedral chapter also protested against the suspension of his right to vote, Ulrich initially appointed him to be the diocese administrator and finally elected him archbishop in Koblenz on July 10, 1430 . Pope Martin responded with the excommunication of the cathedral chapter and Ulrichs. Nevertheless, Ulrich ruled the archbishopric until 1436 without ever having received episcopal ordination. However, the city of Trier refused to take in Ulrich, which is why he besieged the city twice in 1432 and 1433 without success. The cathedral chapter, however, renounced Ulrich because of his brutal approach. At the Council of Basel in 1434 Raban von Helmstatt was finally declared a legal bishop. The imperial ban was imposed on Ulrich von Manderscheid on August 7, 1434 . However, the dispute was only ended in 1436 by a court of arbitration set up by the imperial princes. On February 7, 1436, the arbitral award again declared Raban von Helmstatt to be the rightful archbishop. The imperial ban was lifted and Stolzenfels Castle was awarded to Ulrich . Ulrich claimed that the terms of the arbitration award had not been observed, protested against Raban's entry from Helmstatt into Trier and set off again on a trip to Rome, during which he died in Switzerland.
