Ulrike Stedtnitz

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Ulrike Stedtnitz (born August 30, 1953 in Fürth ) is a Swiss specialist psychologist , specialist book author and founder of the consultancy firm stedtnitz. design your life in Zurich .

Live and act

Ulrike Stedtnitz spent her youth in Germany, Switzerland and the USA . In 1976 she obtained the primary school teacher license of the Canton of Zurich . She then went to the USA and studied behavioral science in Los Angeles . She completed a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology with Joseph Renzulli in the then TTT - Teaching the Talented program at the University of Connecticut (now the Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development ). She then lectured in this program in the areas of social-emotional development of gifted and promotion of gifted preschoolers.

In 1983 Stedtnitz was an assistant professor at Eastern Kentucky University . It was in 1985 graduated with a dissertation within the subject areas "self-efficacy" (Self Efficacy) and "pre Begabungsförderung". Stedtnitz returned to Zurich, where she founded the private consulting company Pedagogical Consulting Practice for Gifted Children and Young People in 1986 . After a few years, she expanded her focus to include topics such as dyslexia , attention deficits , developmental disorders , learning difficulties and social-emotional blocks.

In addition to her consulting work, Stedtnitz was also active in further training. From 1998 to 2001 she and the psychologist Monika Brunsting developed a private two-year program for intensive training in teacher training for the development of potential in children and young people. She also worked as a guest lecturer at universities in Switzerland and Germany on the subject of “talent development” until 2008 and worked as a supervisor for the Swiss Association for Child and Adolescent Psychology (SKJP).

Since 2000, Stedtnitz has also dealt with the potential development of adults. As part of this activity, she developed the life design concept as a concrete guide for a professional reorientation. In the consulting company she founded, the focus is on career counseling, career and study counseling and private school psychological counseling.

Other functions and memberships

In 1987 Stedtnitz was a founding and board member of the first pan-European organization for the promotion of talent, ECHA ( European Council for High Ability ). From 2002 to 2008 she was the co-initiator and co-organizer of the Symposium on Talent , which takes place today at the University of Education in Zug . From 2000 to 2007 she was a founding member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Gifted Children and is still active on the jury of the Lissa Prize. In 2010 she co-led the international series of seminars Women and Leadership by Business and Professional Women in New York.

Publications (selection)

  • The Influence of Educational Enrichment on Self-Efficacy and Interest Levels in Young Children . In: RR Fewell, SG Garwood, JT Neisworth, (Eds.): Topics in Early Childhood Special Education . Gifted Preschoolers. Pro-ed. ISSN  0271-1214 .
  • Head, heart and hand. Promotion of talented students in Switzerland . In: H.-G. Mehlhorn, KK Urban: Internationally gifted students . VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1989, ISBN 3-326-00352-8 .
  • with R. Schiller: emotions as a key factor in the turnaround . In: H. Tschirky, R. Müller (Ed.): Realizing Visions. Success strategies, corporate culture and less bureaucracy . Industrielle Organization Verlag, 1996, ISBN 3-280-02600-8 .
  • Psychosocial dimensions of above-average abilities . In: U. Hoyningen-Süess, P. Lienhard (Ed.): Giftedness as a special educational problem . Edition SZH Edition SPC, 1998, ISBN 3-908263-57-3 .
  • Unconventional ways to support school children with above-average skills - concrete practical experience . In: T. Fitzner, W. Stark, H.-P. Kagelmacher, T. Müller: Recognizing, recognizing and promoting the gifted . Ernst Klett. 1999, ISBN 3-12-555550-7 .
  • Potential evaluation and advice . In: Swiss Coordination Office for Educational Research SKBF: Talent Promotion in Elementary Schools - Dealing with Heterogeneity . Albdruck, 1999, ISBN 3-908117-36-4 .
  • with JS Renzulli, SM Reis: The School Enrichment Model (SEM). Promotion of talent without elite education . Sauerländer, 2001, ISBN 978-3-7941-4858-5 .
  • Blow up the frame. 9 steps to your personal work-life concept . Orell-Füssli, Zurich 2003, ISBN 978-3-280-05025-5 .
  • The myth of talent. From potential to success . Huber, Bern 2008, ISBN 978-3-456-84445-9 .
  • with N. Bürli: Law degree - And then? Professional prospects after studying law . Schulthess 2013, ISBN 978-3-7255-6669-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bad grades, stressful family? In: Swiss Family Magazin, August 2011
  2. ^ A b Johann Thalheimer, Competences count, not the IQ , In: Blue Magazin, 10/11
  3. Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education and Talent Development, https://gifted.uconn.edu/ , accessed August 5, 2019
  4. a b An IQ of 115 is enough for everything , In: Neuer Zürcher Zeitung, November 2009, https://www.nzz.ch/ein_iq_von_115_reich_fuer_alles-1.4048826 , accessed on August 5, 2019
  5. ADS - a sensitive topic for HR managers, In: HR Today, (April 2006)
  6. Swiss Association for Child and Adolescent Psychology (SKJP): list of supervisors. Retrieved December 27, 2019 .
  7. Stedtnitz, U. (2003): Break the frame. 9 steps to your personal work-life concept . Orell-Füssli. ISBN 978-3-280-05025-5
  8. Termination - what now? , In: Schweizer Bank, December 2003
  9. a b We are mostly too realistic , In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, November 20, 2011
  10. ^ "Symposium Talent" at the University of Education Zug, https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/direktion-fur-bildung-und-kultur/phzg/ph-zug/veranstaltungen/symposium-begabung , accessed on August 5th 2019
  11. LISSA Prize Jury, https://www.lissa-preis.ch/lissajury/ , accessed on August 5, 2019