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The Ultraism (of span. Ultraísmo ) is a literary movement that in 1918 in Spain was built with the declared intention of the Modernismo and the so-called. Generación del 98 counter that the Spanish poetry since the end of the 19th century certain. It was founded in the roundtables of the Madrid Café Colonial under the direction of Rafael Cansinos Assens .

The ultraist core formed, among others, Guillermo de Torre , Juan Larrea , Gerardo Diego , Pedro Garfias , Ernesto López-Parra , Lucía Sánchez Saornil , Jacobo Sureda and Jorge Luis Borges , who was then living in Madrid. Important journals of the movement were Grecia and Ultra .

In line with Italian and Russian Futurism , Dadaism and French Surrealism , Ultraism pursued the goal of an aesthetic change. Unlike Futurism and Surrealism, which wanted to reach all areas of life, Ultraism was a purely literary movement, mainly limited to the development of poetry , but also an influential movement in Latin America (see Argentine literature ).

Style features

The characteristics of ultraistic poetry include its reduction to metaphors (often emotionally charged, shocking, pessimistic), unusual syntheses of images, even if they appear illogical, and the use of neologisms . The ultraists set themselves apart from the nebulous images and bombastic rhetoric of modernist and symbolist poetry.

Web links

Wiktionary: Ultraism  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations