Umesamian language

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Umesamisch (ubmejesámien giälla)

Spoken in

speaker ~ 20


Western Sami languages
  • Umesamian
No. 2 shows the distribution area of ​​Umesami.

Umesamisch (other spellings: Umesamisch or Umesamisch ; own name: ubmejesámien giälla ) is a Sami language and belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family . The number of speakers is extremely small ( Ethnologue names 20 speakers, Såhkie - Umeå sameförening below 100) and is mainly, but not exclusively, based on a few older speakers.

Name and distribution

The term Umesamisch refers to the area of ​​distribution that is delimited in the south by the Ume River . The Pite River can be called the northern border. The Umesamian area includes the Swedish municipalities of Arjeplog , Arvidsjaur , Sorsele and Tärna and, historically, Rana in Norway. Umesami is counted among the Western Sami languages ​​and, together with South Sami, belongs to their southern group, i.e. to the South Sami languages ​​in the broader sense.


The local dialects of Umesami can be divided into the eastern forest dialects, the dialect of Sorsele and that of North Tärna. However, the dialects of Umesam can only be determined on the basis of archive material.


Level change

Umesamisch has, unlike the South Sami, some gradation on.


Umlaut plays an important role in Umesami. Vowels are regularly changed by the following / i / and / u /:

  + i + u
i i y
u ü u
å ü u
a Ä å
ie ii
iei ii yöy
oi üi ui
ai ii öi
ai ai åi
ua (i) üe, üi, üü uu
uou üw / yöy uuw
ou üw / üü ?
ouch ay ou
ii yö (ö)


The morphological means in Umesami are phonological changes (change of level), suffixation, composition and enclitization. When it comes to verbs and nouns, a distinction is made between same-syllable and unequal-syllable word stems.


In addition to the singular and plural, the verb also has a dualis form.

gullat "hear" Singular dual Plural
1st person guulou gullan gullahpa
2nd person guulah gulla gulla
3rd person gullaa gulla gülläh


The nouns inflect after two numbers, i.e. H. singular and plural only. The personal pronouns, on the other hand, also know the dual.

mannaa "child" Singular Plural
Nominative mannaa maannaa (h)
Genitive maanan maanai
accusative maanau maanaida
Inessive maanasna O
Elative maanasta maanaista
Illative mannaje maanaida
Essive mannana O
Comitative maanaina maanai-


Text (with South Sami spelling) Phonological transcription translation
Jåa mojhtav files daalvien goh tjuehkie sjadtji, goh båatsoej miarrije jåhhtajij jah idtjij naake biapmoev åajpmedh gåajvvodeh. Jiaknge jah iatnemisse sjadtji, dia båatsoej jaamedadtjeguutij. Dia tjuavverin jåhhtajidh ruapttoede viht bijjas, men dia tsievvie tij, idtjen åajpmedh baalliedh, gåajvvoedh.

/ joo, mujhtaav aktən taalvien kuh čɯehkie šat'tij, cow poocuoj miarrijə joh'taajij jah ič'čij naakə piapmuov oojpmət koojvvuot. jiakŋə jah iatnəmissə šat'tij, tia poocuoj jaamətaččəkɯɯtji. tia čuavvərin joh'taajit ruapttuotə viht pij'jaas, men tia sievvie lij, ič'čen oojpmət paalliet, koojvvuot./

I remember one winter when there was bottom ice when the reindeer ran to the sea and couldn't dig for food. Ice was on the ground and the reindeer were beginning to die one by one. Then they had to run up again, but the snow was hard at the time so they couldn't dig.


The musician Katarina Barruk , one of the younger speakers, sings in Umesamese.


  • Bergsland, Knut: Southern Lapp and Scandinavian quantity patterns . In: Symposium saeculare Societatis Fenno-Ugricae . Finnish-Ugric Society , Helsinki 1983, p. 73-87 (English).
  • Israelsson, Per-Martin & Nejne, Sakka: Svensk-sydsamisk, sydsamisk-svensk: ordbok och ortnamn / Daaroen-åarjelsaemien, åarjelsaemien-daaroen: baakoegärja jih sijjienommh. 2nd Edition. Sametinget, Kiruna 2008 (Swedish, South Sami).
  • Sammallahti, Pekka: The Saami languages. An Introduction. Davvi Girji, Kárášjoka 1998 (English).
  • Schlachter, Wolfgang: Dictionary of the Waldlappendialect of Malå and texts on ethnography. Finnish-Ugric Society, Helsinki 1958.
  • Svonni, Mikael: Umesamiskan - det gåtfulla språket . In: Andrea Amft and Mikael Svonni (eds.): Sápmi Y1K - Livet i samernas bosättningsområde för ett tusen år sedan (=  Sámi dutkan · Samiska studier · Sami Studies . Volume 3 ). Umeå University , Umeå 2006, p. 151-170 (Swedish).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Saami, Ume . In: David M. Eberhard, Gary F. Simons and Charles D. Fennig (Eds.): Ethnologue: Languages ​​of the World . (English, [accessed September 10, 2019]).
  2. Såhkie - Umeå sameförening: Umesamiska. Retrieved September 10, 2019 (Swedish).
  3. Sammallahti (1998).
  4. Sammallahti (1998), p. 22.
  5. Svonni (2006), p 151. Lars-Gunnar Larsson: variation in Ume Saami: The Role of Vocabulary in Dialect Descriptions. (PDF; 317 kB) In: Networks, Interaction and Emerging Identities in Fennoscandia and Beyond. Papers from the conference held in Tromsø, Norway, October 13–16 2009. 2012, p. 288 , accessed on September 10, 2019 .
  6. ^ Lars-Gunnar Larsson: Variation in Ume Saami: The Role of Vocabulary in Dialect Descriptions. (PDF; 317 kB) In: Networks, Interaction and Emerging Identities in Fennoscandia and Beyond. Papers from the conference held in Tromsø, Norway, October 13–16 2009. 2012, p. 291 , accessed on September 10, 2019 .
  7. Svonni (2006), p. 156.
  8. Table from Schlachter (1958).
  9. Table from Schlachter (1958).
  10. Table from Schlachter (1958).
  11. From Sammallahti (1998), p. 159.
  12. vuelie: Evelina - from Album Báruos, Katarina Barruk. September 1, 2015, accessed November 7, 2016 .