Ungava collar lemming

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Ungava collar lemming
Superfamily : Mice-like (Muroidea)
Family : Burrowers (Cricetidae)
Subfamily : Voles (arvicolinae)
Tribe : Dicrostonychini
Genre : Collared Lemmings ( Dicrostonyx )
Type : Ungava collar lemming
Scientific name
Dicrostonyx hudsonius
( Pallas , 1778)
Spread of the ungava collar lemming.

The ungava collar lemming ( Dicrostonyx hudsonius ) is a rodent in the subfamily of voles found in northeastern Canada .


1 · 0 · 0 · 3  =  16
Ungava collar lemming tooth formula

The species reaches a total length of 13.5 to 16.7 cm, including a 1.3 to 2.0 cm short stub tail. The ungava collar lemming has hind feet 20 to 24 mm long and ears around 9 mm long. The weight varies between 55 and 112 g. In summer, the fur on the upper side is mostly speckled gray-brown with the exception of a dark eel line . A narrow orange-yellow line forms the border to the light gray to light brown underside. The name collar lemming refers to a lighter colored band around the neck that is found in many adult specimens. The summer coat is more yellow-brown to red-brown on the cheeks. Other characteristics are bright orange-red spots next to the eyes and on the throat. The spot on the throat can change into an orange-red stripe up to the middle of the stomach. The tail is divided into a dark top and a light bottom. At its tip there is a small tassel made of stiff white hair.

When the coat changes in autumn, the hair on the upper side turns white. They are gray at the base, which is reflected in a light gray shade. In addition, the third and fourth toes of the front paws have thick pads and wide claws . This enables the lemming to dig better in hard snow.


The Ungava collar lemming lives in Canada on the Ungava Peninsula and in adjacent areas of the provinces of Labrador and Québec . It is also found on various islands that make up the Nunavut Territory , e.g. B. on the Belcher Islands . The distribution area reaches a height of 1000 meters in some places. The predominant type of vegetation is tundra .

The distribution area does not coincide with the habitat of the Northern Collared Lemmings ( Dicrostonyx groenlandicus ).

Way of life

This lemming digs underground burrows in the ground or in the snow. Often the burrows of different specimens are close together, which can be regarded as a colony . In summer the building consists of a corridor that is rarely longer than 1 meter, a chamber that is padded with dry plant parts, and one or two exits. In winter, branched tunnel systems are usually created. Often an individual has several burrows in the area.

The ungava collar lemming can be active day and night. He does not hibernate . The food consists of berries, grass and herbs in the warm season, while dry stalks, young shoots and bark are eaten in winter.

In females there are up to three litters between March and September. After a gestation of 22 to 24 days, up to seven young animals are born, usually four or five. Sexual maturity occurs after a month in females and half a month later in males.

The style has many predators such as owls , falcon-like , seagulls , marten , arctic foxes and wolves . As with other lemmings, the population fluctuates over the years. The population is greatest every two to five years.


There are no significant threats to the ungava collar lemming. It is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN .

Individual evidence

  1. Don E. Wilson , DeeAnn M. Reeder (Ed.): Mammal Species of the World . A taxonomic and geographic Reference . 3. Edition. 2 volumes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 (English, Dicrostonyx hudsonius ).
  2. a b c d e Naughton, Donna (Ed.): The Natural History of Canadian Mammals . University of Toronto Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4426-4483-0 , pp. 121-123 (English, Dicrostonyx hudsonius ).
  3. a b c d e f Dicrostonyx hudsonius in the endangered species Red List of IUCN 2008. Submitted By: Linzey, Nature AV & Serve (Hammerson, G.), 2008. Retrieved on December 4 2016th