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Pregnant lioness
Uterus of a pregnant cat

As gestation or pregnancy (from Latin graviditas , pregnancy ' ) refers to the discharge of the offspring in the uterus in female live-bearing animals . It extends from fertilization to the litter and thus corresponds to human pregnancy .

Determination of pregnancy

Establishing or confirming pregnancy is a common task of the general practitioner . It can be done by:

Gestation period (gestation period)

The gestation period (gestation period) varies depending on the species. In addition, breed-specific and also individual fluctuations can occur within an animal species. It is known, for example, from rats that if there is a shortage of food, they can inhibit the fetus from maturing or regress completely.

Days of gestation in pets
Animal species medium duration
Golden hamster 16
House mouse 18-23
Black rat 21-23
Domestic rabbit 30-32
Domestic cat 58-63
Domestic dog 63-68
House guinea pigs 63-70
Domestic pig 114
Domestic goat 150
Domestic sheep 150
Domestic cattle 280
Domestic horse 336
House donkey 365-370
Gestation period of selected wild animals in days
Animal species medium duration
Hedgehog 35
racoon 65
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) average 230
Bonobo (Pan paniscus) 220-250
Galápagos sea lion 342-365
giraffe 420-450
rhino 450-540
African elephant 630-722
Alpine salamander 730-1095

For comparison: pregnancy in humans lasts an average of 266 days.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Ernst Georges : Comprehensive Latin-German concise dictionary . 8th, improved and increased edition. Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1918 ( [accessed on August 19, 2020] dictionary entry 'graviditas').
  2. Joachim W. Dudenhausen , Willibald Pschyrembel , Michael Obladen, Dieter Grab: Practical Obstetrics. Walter de Gruyter, 2011, ISBN 3-11-022869-6 , p. 19 .