União Geral de Trabalhadores

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The União Geral de Trabalhadores (UGT, German: General Workers' Association) is a Portuguese trade union federation. The UGT is close to the Social Democratic Socialist Party of Portugal . It is the second largest trade union in the country after the CGTP and, like them, belongs to the European Trade Union Confederation .

She is also a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). In the membership list of the IGB, membership is given as 160,000 (as of November 2017).

The UGT is based in Lisbon and is represented nationwide.


After the Carnation Revolution in 1974, the CGTP emerged as a unified union. Since 1976, a minority within the CGTP has increasingly come into conflict with the communist-oriented majority. She founded the platform Movimento Autónomo de Intervenção Sindical - Carta Aberta (German about: Independent Trade Union Movement - Open Letter), with which they spoke out in favor of independent individual unions instead of a single union for all workers in Portugal.

After the 1976 constitution of Portugal established the principle of free trade union work, pluralism was also anchored in the trade union area with the reformulated Trade Union Act 1977 . At the CGTP Congress in the same year, it then came to a split. While the left wing of the socialist trade unionists, the Catholic trade unionists and left trade union groups, along with the communist-oriented majority, remained in the CGTP, those close to the Socialist Party and the conservative Social Democratic Party decided to found their own trade union federation, later the UGT. The CGTP, on the other hand, was called Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses - Intersindical Nacional (CGTP-IN) (German about: General Association of Portuguese Workers - National Union of Trade Unions).

On October 28 and 29, 1978, in the Lumiar cinema hall , in the Lumiar municipality of Lisbon , 47 individual trade unions (eight of them with observer status) adopted the principles and statutes of the União Geral de Trabalhadores - UGT . The UGT was thus established, and its first ordinary congress was scheduled for January 29 and 30, 1979 in Porto .

Door sign of the UGT, at the office in Aveiro


The UGT is based in the Avenida Almirante Gago Coutinho in Lisbon. It maintains various departments and groups, and is involved in training institutions and professional initiatives.


The UGT is organized across the country in 20 districts, called Uniões :

  • UGT Azores
  • UGT Algarve
  • UGT Aveiro
  • UGT Beja
  • UGT Braga
  • UGT Bragança
  • UGT Castelo Branco
  • UGT Coimbra
  • UGT Évora
  • UGT Guarda
  • UGT Leiria
  • UGT Lisbon
  • UGT Madeira
  • UGT postage
  • UGT Portalegre
  • UGT Santarem
  • UGT Setúbal
  • UGT Viana do Castelo
  • UGT Vila Real
  • UGT Viseu

Women's organization

In 1984, the Comissão de Mulheres Trabalhadoras da UGT (COMTRA, German: Committee of Working Women of the UGT) was founded in the UGT. After the constitution as Organização de Mulheres da UGT (German: Women's Organization of the UGT) in 1986 it was named Comissão de Mulheres (German: Women's Committee) after the VI. UGT Congress incorporated into the union's statutes in 1988.

She advocates equal treatment of women in all matters of professional life, but also within the organizational structures of the UGT.

Youth organization

The youth trade union Comissão de Juventude da UGT (German: Youth Committee of the UGT, CJ / UGT) has increased its activities significantly from 2007 , especially since the euro crisis as a result of the banking and financial crisis . The reason is the sharp rise in youth unemployment in Portugal: in the first quarter of 2013, 42% of those able to work aged up to 24 were unemployed. In this context, the CJ / UGT organizes protest rallies, organizes further training, conducts information events, etc. a.


Individual members

The UGT with its 55 individual and sub-unions had 478,000 members at the end of 2012, who are distributed across the various sectors as follows:

  • 166,000 members in the public sector
  • 93,000 members in industry, agriculture, energy and construction
  • 79,000 members in the financial sector
  • 79,000 members in the service and retail sector
  • 33,000 members of the transportation industry
  • 28,000 members of the permanent workforce (port .: Quadros )

As a result of rising unemployment in Portugal, the number of members continues to decline. The UGT has lost 42,000 members since 2008. A slight increase in the number of their members in the public sector contrasted with clear departures in all other areas.

Member unions

The following unions are organized in the UGT:

  • ANTF - Associação Nacional dos Treinadores de Futebol (Football Coach Union)
  • BANCA DOS CASINOS - Sindicato Profissionais de Banca dos Casinos (Union of Casino Employees)
  • SBC - Sindicato dos Bancários do Centro (Central Region Bank Workers Union)
  • SBN - Sindicato dos Bancários do Norte (Bank Workers Union of the North Region)
  • SBSI - Sindicato dos Bancários do Sul e Ilhas (Bank Employees Union of the South Region and the Island Regions)
  • SDPA - Sindicato Democrático dos Professores dos Açores (Teachers Union of the Azores)
  • SE - Sindicato dos Enfermeiros (Nurses Union)
  • SE - Sindicato dos Economistas (Union of Economists)
  • SEMM - Sindicato dos Engenheiros Marinha Mercante (Union of Engineers of the Merchant Navy)
  • SETAA - Sindicato da Agricultura, Alimentação e Florestas (Agriculture, Food and Forestry Union)
  • SETACCOP - Sindicato da Construção, Obras Públicas e Serviços (Construction Industry, Public Buildings and Services Union)
  • SINAFE - Sindicato Nacional Ferroviários do Movimento e Afins (Railway Workers Union)
  • SINAPE - Sindicato Nacional dos Profissionais da Educação (Union of Education Professions)
  • SINCOMAR - Sindicato dos Capitães Oficiais da Marinha Mercante (Union of Captains of the Merchant Navy)
  • SINDAV - Sindicato Democrático dos Trabalhadores dos Aeroportos e Aviação (Union of Airport and Flight Workers)
  • SINDCES - Sindicato Democrático do Comércio, Escritórios e Serviços (Trade Union, Offices and Services)
  • SINDEFER - Sindicato Nacional Democrático da Ferrovia (Union of Infrastructure Railway Workers)
  • SINDEL - Sindicato Nacional da Indústria e da Energia (Industry and Energy Union)
  • SINDEP - Sindicato Nacional e Democrático dos Professores (Teachers Union)
  • SINDEPESCAS - Sindicato Democrático das Pescas (Fisheries Union)
  • SINDEQ - Sindicato Democrático da Energia, Química, Têxteis e Indústrias Diversas (Energy, Chemical, Textile and Various Industries Union)
  • SINDESCOM - Sindicato dos Profissionais de Escritório, Comércio, Indústria, Turismo, Serviços e Correlativos das Ilhas de S. Miguel e Santa Maria (union of office, commercial, industrial, tourism and related employees of the islands of São Miguel and Santa Maria )
  • SINDETELCO - Sindicato Democrático dos Trabalhadores das Comunicações e dos Média (Union of Communication and Media Workers)
  • SINDITE - Sindicato dos Técnicos Superiores de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica (Union of Managers in Diagnostics and Therapy)
  • SINFA - Sindicato Nacional de Ferroviários e Afins (Union of Railway Workers and Similar Employees)
  • SINFESE - Sindicato Nacional dos Ferroviários Administrativos, Técnicos e de Serviços (Railway Workers' Union for those employed in administration, technology and services)
  • SINTABA / AÇORES - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Agro-Alimentares da Região Autónoma dos Açores (Union of Agricultural and Food Processing Industries in the Azores)
  • SINTAP - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Administração Pública e de Entidades com Fins Públicos (Union of Administrative Employees in Public Sector and Public Institutions)
  • SINTICAVS - Sindicato Nac. Trot. Ind. Cerâmicas, Cimento, Abrasivos, Vidro e Similares (union of workers in the ceramics, cement, abrasives, glass and allied industries)
  • SISEP - Sindicato dos Profissionais de Seguros de Portugal (Insurance Workers Union)
  • SITEMA - Sindicato dos Técnicos de Manutenção Aeronaves (Aircraft Maintenance Employees' Union)
  • SITEMAQ - Sindicato da Mestrança e Marinhagem da Marinha Mercante, Energia e Fogueiros de Terra (union of masters and masters, energy and boiler keepers and stokers in the merchant navy)
  • SITESC - Sindicato dos Quadros, Técnicos Administrativos, Serviços e Novas Tecnologias (Union of Administrative Clerks and Employees in Services and New Technologies)
  • SITESE - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Técnicos de Serviços (Union of Service Workers and Specialized Employees)
  • SITRA - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores dos Transportes (Transport Workers Union)
  • SMAV - Sindicato dos Meios Audiovisuais (Audiovisual Media Union)
  • SMMCMM - Sindicato da Mestrança e Marinhagem de Câmaras da Marinha Mercante (Trade Union of Masters and Maritime Masters of the Merchant Navy)
  • SNATTI - Sindicato Nacional das Actividades Turísticas Tradutores e Intérpretes (Tourism, Translators and Interpreters Union)
  • SNEET - Sindicato Nacional dos Engenheiros, Engenheiros Técnicos e Arquitectos (Union of Engineers and Architects)
  • SNPVAC - Sindicato Nacional do Pessoal de Voo da Aviação Civil (Airline Civil Aviation)
  • SOEMMM - Sindicato dos Oficiais e Engenheiros Maquinistas da Marinha Mercante (Union of Officers and Engineers of the Merchant Navy)
  • SPZC - Sindicato dos Professores da Zona Centro (Teachers' Union of the Central Area)
  • SPZN - Sindicato dos Professores da Zona Norte (Teachers' Union of the North Area)
  • SQAC - Sindicato dos Quadros da Aviação Comercial (Aircraft Industry Workers Union)
  • STAS - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Actividade Seguradora (Insurance Workers Union)
  • STE - Sindicato dos Quadros Técnicos do Estado e de Entidades com Fins Públicos (Union of State Technicians and Public Institutions)
  • STECAH - Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Escritório e Comércio de Angra do Heroísmo (Union of Office and Commercial Workers of Angra do Heroísmo )
  • STVSIH - Sindicato dos Técnicos Vendas do Sul e Ilhas (Trade Union of Specialists South and Islands)
  • UGT / PESCAS - Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores do Sector das Pescas (Workers Union of the Fisheries Sector)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. www.etuc.org ( Memento of the original from May 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed June 15, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.etuc.org
  2. IGB Membership List , accessed on May 23, 2018
  3. History website ( Memento of the original dated November 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. the UGT website (port.), accessed June 15, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ugt.pt
  4. entry in the Pathfinder , the online encyclopedia of Porto Editora , accessed on June 15, 2013
  5. www.ugt.pt ( Memento of the original from April 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed June 15, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ugt.pt
  6. ditto ( memento of the original from April 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ugt.pt
  7. www.tvi24.iol.pt , accessed June 15, 2013