Our Lady of the Rosary (Dobrzenice)

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Tower of the church in Dobrzenice

The Catholic branch church Our Lady of the Rosary (Polish: Kościół pw Matki Bożej Różańcowej ) is a basically Gothic church building in Dobrzenice (German Siegroth ) in the Polish Voivodeship of Lower Silesia . It is a protected cultural monument .


The origins of the church are unknown. It may have existed since the second half of the 13th century. The place was once the seat of an archpriest for the larger and smaller Archipresbyterat Nimptsch , to which 38 parish churches in the surrounding area were subordinate. With the arrival of the Reformation , the church became Protestant around 1530. In 1613/14 a renovation took place. In 1614 Helene von Unwürden had new bells cast for the church and hung in the church tower. According to the inscription, these were cast in 1629 and again in 1767.

In the turmoil of the Thirty Years' War , the pastoral post remained vacant from 1629 to 1631 and from 1649 to 1653 and was looked after from Tepliwoda . The church registers of Siegroth begin with the year 1661. For a long time the parish churches of Siegroth and Reichau were entrusted to a communal clergyman for supervision. Until 1689 the parishes were connected with each other.

In 1689 the secretary of the Brieg government made the Oberamt aware of the pastor's illness in Siegroth. After his death, the church was closed from 1689 to 1701. The episcopal consortium referred to the imperial patronage law in the villages of Siegroth and Reichau. In Siegroth, however, this only existed during the fief vacancy . The new owner of Ober-Siegroth Julian Heinrich von Vippach thus had the right to present the parish undisputed. Although he is evangelical, he suggests a Catholic priest. The church of Siegroth was provided with a Catholic priest from 1701 to 1707. The church of Reichau served as a refuge for the evangelical inhabitants until 1707 another evangelical pastor took up his duties in Siegroth.

In the 18th century, the interior was made Baroque . In 1776 the church roof was renewed. The year 1613 was discovered on the tower flag and the year 1614 on the gable of the church wall. In 1848, the patronage of the church was owned by the Catholic Baroness von Saurma on Schrabsdorf near Frankenstein. Originally there was a wooden tower on the clapboard roof. At the end of the 19th century it was replaced by a new stone tower attached to the front. In 1965 the church was partially damaged. Today the house of God is a Catholic branch church.


The church has a single nave. The rectangular presbytery has a cross vault. The nave houses an early Gothic stone portal. The church tower is built on the front. The baroque pulpit dates from the beginning of the 18th century and the epitaphs from the 16th to 18th centuries.


In the churchyard there was a memorial that commemorated a bridal couple who allegedly died in front of the altar.


  • 1564–1579 Hieronymus Bernhardi from Zeiz
  • 1579–1586 Chrysogonus Ruth from Nunslau
  • 1593–1629 Peter Winckler from Breslau
  • 1631–1641 Magister Michael Prätorius from Prague
  • 1641–1643 Martin Gasto from Schweidnitz
  • 1643–1649 Martin Nentwig from Glatz
  • 1650–1659 Georg Bavarus from Reichenbach
  • 1569–1678 Johann Hensel from Weißbach
  • 1678–1689 Samuel Sartorius from Prauß
  • 1708–1715 David Wiesener from Giersdorf
  • 1715–1763 Gottlieb Siegmund Francke from Wabnitz
  • 1763–1781 Georg Ambrosius Heller from Bogschütz
  • 1782–? Karl Benjamin Blickel from Brauchitschdorf


  • 1554 Hans von Unworthiness and Neuhaus
  • 1570 Heinrich von Hof-Schnorbein called von Oglitz
  • 1574 Hans von Seidlitz von Kapsdorf zu Siegrot
  • 1604 Daniel von Stosch in Nieder-Johnsdorf
  • 1604 Samuel von Stosch in Ober-Johnsdorf
  • 1611 Hedwig von Unwürde, married Korckwitz
  • 1613 Eva von Unwürde, married Stosch
  • 1615 Friedrich von Logau on Brukt
  • 1616 Heinrich von Reichenbach and Pitzschen
  • 1619 Hans von Korckwitz
  • 1619 Georg Friedrich von Seidlitz
  • 1621 Hans von Peterswalde and Mittel-Peilau
  • 1623 Leonhard von Renspurgk and Glofenau
  • 1658 Eva Catharina von Seidlitz
  • 1682 Anna Eleonora Zolicofer, married Logau
  • 1712 Anna von Vippach, b. by Tschirsky
  • 1712 Julian Heinrich von Vippach

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Heyne: Documented history of the diocese and bishopric of Breslau . Korn, 1860 ( google.de [accessed February 9, 2019]).
  2. ^ The church books of Silesia of both confessions (1902) / E-Book - GenWiki. Retrieved February 9, 2019 .
  3. ^ Friedrich Gottlob Eduard Anders: Statistics of the Protestant Church in Silesia . Verlag von Hugo Wagner, 1848 ( google.de [accessed on February 9, 2019]).
  4. Sources and research on the history of the Reformation . Vermittlungsverlag von M. Heinsius Nachf., 1931 ( google.de [accessed on February 9, 2019]).
  5. ^ Presbyterology of Evangelical Silesia . Cardboard, 1782 ( google.de [accessed February 9, 2019]).
  6. ^ Archidiecezja Wrocławska. Retrieved February 9, 2019 .
  7. ^ Friedrich Gottlob Eduard Anders: Statistics of the Protestant Church in Silesia . Verlag von Hugo Wagner, 1848 ( google.de [accessed on February 9, 2019]).