Urn (heraldry)

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The urn is a common figure in heraldry and can be in all heraldic colors in the coat of arms .

The shape of the container as a funeral urn ranges from narrow and slender to wide and flat or bulky. A uniform representation is not recognizable in heraldry. Only rarely are other heraldic figures in the same coat of arms field as the urn. The painting of the urn, if any, is to be mentioned in the description of the coat of arms . A lid or handle on or on the vessel must be reported. The choice of the urn as a coat of arms symbolizes the prehistoric finds of this vessel in the region. A stone packing grave or urn grave ( urn field culture ) is an occasion for inclusion in the coat of arms.

Web links

Commons : Urn in Heraldry  - collection of images, videos and audio files