Uro (film)

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German title Uro
Original title Uro
Country of production Norway
original language Norwegian
Publishing year 2006
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Stefan Faldbakken
script Harald Rosenløw Eeg ,
production Christian Fredrik Martin ,
Asle Vatn
music Go to Anvik
camera John Andreas Andersen
cut Vidar Flataukan ,
Sophie Hesselberg

Uro is incurred in 2006. Norwegian police drug thriller from director Stefan Faldbakken .


The idiosyncratic and impulsive Hans Petter, a half-orphan with a difficult and sometimes criminal childhood, becomes a police officer and finally undercover investigator of a Norwegian anti-drug unit called URO despite a shattering past . As a new colleague of the sworn unit, he is under particularly high pressure of expectations, which he tries to live up to every day. One day Hans Petter, who is only called HP by his colleagues, meets his former school friend Mette during an assignment, but she has no idea of ​​his secret activity. When the police storm the place a little later and arrest various people, including apparently HP, he is now considered a criminal wanted by the police, which ensures him the attention of the club owner Mette. However, the raid fails because not enough incriminating evidence against the drug scene can be found. Those involved remain at large.

After HP disregards the regulations the next time he is deployed and does not want to regret his mistake, he is unceremoniously suspended by his immediate superior. He returns to his apartment dejected when Mette's father, Frank, a drug lord, accidentally contacts him. He leads him to a group of petty criminals who were the victims of a police search the day before. Coincidentally, this gives him the chance to infiltrate that drug ring. After careful consideration, he decided on his own initiative, i.e. without the knowledge of URO, to dig up the criminal drug scene in Oslo. Easily unsettled and prepared to be exposed as an undercover investigator at any time, he penetrates the Oslo drug scene. He gets to know the drug dealer Marco, but unfortunately falls in love with Marco's girlfriend Mette. He gradually gets into a conflict of conscience and work.

In between, his involuntary leave of absence expires, so that from now on he is again active in the police force. In order not to be suspected, he therefore leads a secret double life. During the day he is an undercover agent, while the rest of the day he researches incriminating evidence about the drug scene. When a major drug shipment is due to be convicted of Frank, the film turns into a blood feud. The drug addict Mette shoots her own father in self-defense and appropriates incriminating material from a high-ranking drug baron.

At the end of the film, HP remembers his police work, sneaks Mette's trust and betrays it to the URO, which arrests them along with the evidence. Marco is shot. In order to punish himself, he presents himself innocently and full of remorse as Frank's murderer, which earns him a prison sentence of several years. In the last scene of the film, a visibly relaxed and apparently drug-free Mette visits him in prison.

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