Uwe Baumert

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Uwe Baumert
Photo: Studio Fegan

Uwe Baumert (born April 15, 1943 in Hirschberg , Silesia) is a German conservationist. He is deputy chairman of the Lower Saxony regional association in the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU) and is active in the field of bioenergy at government level in the federal and state levels as well as at universities.


Baumert spent childhood and school in Ostholstein. After graduating from high school, he signed up as a career officer in the armed forces and held management positions in national and international areas. Most recently he was responsible for part of the army in the Federal Ministry of Defense . After retiring, he and his wife made a home on a rest yard near Bremervörde .

Voluntary work for the nature conservation association

In 1998 he joined the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU). Since 2001 he has been the first chairman of the NABU district association Bremervörde-Zeven, and in 2003 he was appointed to the state board of NABU Lower Saxony. Since September 20, 2008, he has been Deputy State Chairman of NABU Lower Saxony.

From October 2000 on, he trained as a NABU nature conservation advisor and took part in more than 40 seminars, workshops and symposia. The focus of his voluntary work is on renewable energies and energy from biomass . Baumert worked on the NABU working paper on this topic and took part in events, working groups, advisory boards at the Universities of Göttingen , Hanover and Clausthal as well as in panel discussions, such as at the Tarmstedt exhibition and the farmers' day. In Lower Saxony and neighboring federal states, he gave lectures at institutes and political parties. Interviews were published nationwide, in other European countries, in the United States and in Japan.

Baumert campaigned for the designation of protected areas throughout Lower Saxony and discussed land uses with representatives from agriculture in particular. He acts primarily against the "cornification" of the landscape and calls for research projects on biomass production. Instead of the problematic monoculture of maize, he proposed an alternative energy crop mix with additional sunflowers and wild and flowering plants in a three-part crop rotation. At the end of 2009, together with NABU Lower Saxony, he called for a construction stop for biogas plants.

Further activities

He is also an honorary officer of the NABU regional association Lower Saxony, chairman of the working group of nature conservation associations in the Rotenburg (Wümme) district, member of the working group "Moorexpress" and the working group "Railway instead of autobahn", member of the Lower Saxony nature conservation foundation, member of the advisory board and board of trustees of the foundation Nature conservation in the district of Rotenburg (Wümme), member of the ERDF / ESF as well as the PROFIL monitoring committees of the state government of Lower Saxony, member of the advisory board of the Niedersachsen Bank, in the Niedersachsen-Ring / working group for civic engagement of the state government of Lower Saxony, in the biogas forum of Lower Saxony of the state government of Lower Saxony, the Government Commission on Climate Protection and the IKI Bioenergy Steering Group of the Rotenburg district (Wümme).


In 2012 Baumert received the Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany for his work .


  • Short biography / curriculum vitae of Uwe Baumert, provided by the NABU regional association Lower Saxony (as of June 2012)

Individual evidence

  1. We demand an emergency command for biogas plants , interview with Uwe Baumert, in: Nordwest-Zeitung online, April 18, 2012