Vateria indica

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Vateria indica
Vateria indica, White Damar, Indian Copal, Malabar tallow, vellakkunthirikkam 5.jpg

Vateria indica

Eurosiden II
Order : Mallow-like (Malvales)
Family : Wing fruit family (Dipterocarpaceae)
Subfamily : Dipterocarpoideae
Genre : Vateria
Type : Vateria indica
Scientific name
Vateria indica
Inflorescence of Vateria indica
Capsule fruit from Vateria indica

Vateria indica or White damar , Indian Copal tree , Piney , Dhupa and tallow or varnish tree is a large tree from India and Sri Lanka in the family wing fruit plants. He is considered endangered.


Vateria indica grows as an evergreen tree and reaches heights of 40 to 60 meters. The trunk diameter can be up to 1.4 meters. The flaky bark is grayish and smooth. The tree provides a dammar resin .

The short-stalked, bald and leathery leaves are arranged opposite each other and spirally. The ovate to obovate or elliptical, lanceolate leaves are up to 27 centimeters long with a full margin. They are rounded to pointed, pointed or indented. The leaf stalks are swollen at the base of the spread. The young leaves are reddish with light green veins. The stipules are sloping.

Axillary panicles are formed. The hermaphroditic, fragrant and five-fold, stalked flowers with a double flower envelope are white. The five egg-shaped to lanceolate sepals are fine-haired on the outside, light brown and white on the inside. The five petals are elliptical to ovate and white. The felty, three-chambered and conical ovary is on top with a long stylus with a narrow stigma . There are up to 40–50 stamens with short stamens and elongated anthers with pointed appendages.

Solitary, brownish, finely structured, leathery and fleshy, up to 6.5 centimeters long, egg-shaped to ellipsoidal and three-lobed capsules with a permanent, recessed calyx are formed. The large seeds are reddish-white, greenish.


The dammar extracted from the tree is known as white dammar, piney resin or Indian copal and dupha.

A fat is obtained from the seeds (butter beans); Malabar, pine tallow, Dhupafett, -butter, -öl, Vateriafett, -öl.

The rind and the fruit contain tannins .


  • J. Lindley : Flora Medica: a botanical account. London 1838, p. 145.

Web links

Commons : Vateria indica  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. HA Pierer (Ed.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and Past. Volume 18, 4th edition, 1864, p. 342, limited preview in the Google book search.
  2. ^ PH List, L. Hörhammer: Handbook of Pharmaceutical Practice. Volume 6: Chemicals and Drugs Part C: T-Z , Springer, 1979, ISBN 978-3-642-67086-2 (Reprint), p. 399.
  3. DK Salunkhe u. a .: World Oilseeds. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992, ISBN 0-442-00112-6 , p. 525 f.