Vatican Ogham character series

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The Vatican Ogham character series is a high medieval manuscript entry in Ogham script in the Codex Reg. Lat. (Reginensus Latinus) 1308, fol.  62 verso . While the manuscript dates back to the 10th century AD, the Ogham characters and the other alphabets listed on the last page of the manuscript are a subsequent addition from the 12th century. The manuscript is kept in the Vatican Apostolic Library in Vatican City .



The Vatican Ogham line is at the top of the page. Then there are four more alphabets.

The Ogham entry begins with the initial arrow typical of many Ogham inscriptions at the beginning of the line (running to the right), which also indicates the reading direction. Then the 20 Ogham characters, which are arranged in the traditional fixed order, are displayed. The sound values ​​are transmitted using Latin letters. A special feature with regard to its transmission is the character , which is not transmitted with NG, as is common practice, but with GG.

After the 20s Ogham series, a forfid is added as a symbol for the sound value P. This character for P, which hangs down from the trunk line and is therefore upside down, is based on the Latin P-form, but is angular. The forfid used here for P is also used for the sound sequence UI.


The Vatican Ogham character series from the 12th century is the second oldest Ogham inscription of Ogham entries in medieval manuscripts after the Bernese Ogham character overview (around 800 AD). It is a little older than the Inisfallen Ogham text , which was written after 1193. The oldest Irish Ogham entries in manuscripts date from the 14th century.


  • Forsyth, Katherine : An ogham-inscribed slab from St Ninian's Isle, found in 1876, in: Barrowman, Rachel C .: The Chapel and Burial Ground on St Ninians Isle, Shetland. Excavations Past and Present, Society for Medieval Archeology Monographs 32, Abingdon / Oxfordshire (England) 2011
  • McManus, Damian: A Guide to Ogam, Maynooth Monographs 4, Maynooth 1991
  • Patton, John-Paul: The Poet's Ogam. A Living Magical Tradition, Belfast 2010

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References and comments

  1. McManus, p. 181 (footnote 11); Forsyth, p. 19
  2. Manuscript page 62v in Codex Reg. Lat. 1308
  3. McManus, p. 137
  4. A "Forfid" ( singular form ; plural "Forfeda") is one of the additional characters created after the 20 original Ogham characters.
  5. Forsyth, p. 19; McManus, p. 143
  6. McManus, p. 135 and P. 181 (footnote 11); Patton, p. 82
  7. McManus, p. 135