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Veedel [ ˈfeːdəl ] is the Cologne word for quarter or city ​​district . This does not mean a district , but rather a smaller part of the city, usually the immediate area in which someone lives and thus comparable to the Wiener Grätzl or the neighborhoods in Berlin . A division of the Cologne city ​​area into socially and perceptually homogeneous quarters as a fine division of the existing division into statistical city districts was carried out by the Statistical Office of the City of Cologne on the basis of a work by Klaus Zehner.

While z. For example, Cologne's inner city as a district is officially divided into the five districts Altstadt-Nord and -Süd, Neustadt-Nord and -Süd as well as Deutz , the Cologne people speak of their Veedeln in their daily dealings, which are divided according to location ( Südstadt ), churches and Be able to name squares ( Agnesviertel , Greeks market district , Kunibertsviertel ) or street names ( Belgian quarter ). The exact demarcation between Veedeln can hardly be made out - strictly speaking, it only exists in parking space management, where plaques are named after the districts defined by the city administration. Some Veedel can have several names: The residential area between the inner city ring and the university is officially called Rathenauviertel (after the Rathenauplatz in its center), but is also known as Zülpicher Viertel (after the beginning of Zülpicher Straße from Zülpicher Platz), as Univiertel, Bermuda Triangle or “ Kwartier Latäng ” - although these different names are not seen as identical or freely interchangeable, but only largely spatially overlapping.

Use in carnival

The “Veedel” is sung about in a popular piece by the Cologne dialect group Bläck Fööss . The Veedel is evoked there as a place where everyone sticks together. The Veedel also appear in the Cologne Carnival in the Cologne Schull- un Veedelszöch .

See also


The Cologne districts were examined in a series of diploma theses in the 1950s at the Economic and Social Geography Institute and with perceptual and behavioral geographic approaches in the 1980s and 1990s at the Geographical Institute of the University of Cologne.

  • Thomas, Frank (1985): Use, perception and identification in the district. Diploma thesis Institute for Geography.
  • Zehner, Klaus (1987): Sub-centers and districts in Cologne. A socio-geographical study of spatial structure and spatial behavior in the big city (= Kölner Geographische Arbeit, no. 47) , Cologne, 178 pp.
  • Schweizer, Günther (1995): At home in the big city. Location and spatial identification in the conurbation. - Cologne Geographical Works H. 61. (Ed .: H. Gebhardt and G. Schweizer. With the collaboration of P. Reuber.).