Ventura García Sancho Ibarrondo

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Ventura García Sancho Ibarrondo

Ventura García Sancho Ibarrondo, Marqués de Aguilar de Campóo, Conde de Consuegra (born April 20, 1837 in Guadalajara , Mexico , † February 22, 1914 in Madrid ) was a Spanish politician who was Spain's Foreign Minister from 1900 to 1901 .


García Sancho was originally a member of the Liberal Union (Unión Liberal) and in 1863 became a member of the Estates Assembly ( Cortes ) , in which he represented Cartegena until 1864 . In 1874 he joined the Conservative Party (Partido Conservador) that had emerged from the Union Liberal . In 1876 he was re-elected as a member of the Cortes and represented Castrojeriz until 1878 . In 1881 he was elected a member of the Cortes for Madrid and was a member of the Cortes until 1883. In 1886 he became a member of the Senate ( Senate ) , in which he first represented the province of Madrid and then in 1891 became a Senator for life (Senador vitalicio) . In 1899 he replaced Álvaro Figueroa Torres as Mayor (Alcalde) of Madrid and held this office until he was replaced by Manuel Allendesalazar Muñoz de Salazar in 1900.

In the government of Prime Minister Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero García Sancho was from April 18, 1900 to March 6, 1901 Foreign Minister of Spain (Ministro de Estado) . In 1904 García Sancho became a member of the Senate by virtue of its own right (Senador por derecho propio) and was a member of it until his death. Between December 16, 1904 and January 27, 1905, he was Minister for Agriculture, Industry, Commerce and Public Works (Ministro de Agricultura, Industria, Comercio y Obras Públicas) in the third government of Prime Minister Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero .

He was married to María del Pilar de Zabala y Guzmán, 20th Marquesa de Aguilar de Campoo.

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