Association of public transport companies

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The Association of Public Transport Companies ( VÖV ) was founded on October 25, 1949 in Stuttgart . The office was initially in Essen , and from 1959 in Cologne . The VÖV existed until 1990, the successor organization is the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV), which is also open to the transport companies of the former GDR .


Predecessor organizations

The history of the association began during industrialization with the Association of Prussian Railways, founded in 1846, and the Association of German Road and Small Railroad Administrations, founded in Munich in 1895 , whose task is to promote cooperation between member companies and their exchange of experience with each other, as well as representing their interests in politics Industrial companies and other modes of transport was. The seat of the association was Berlin until 1945 . From 1928 the association was renamed "Association of German Transport Administrations". From 1934 he was under the Nazi rule of Germany by the incorporation into the Reich Transport Group of the Ministry of Transport brought into line and largely deprived of their influence.

After the Second World War

After the collapse of the German Reich and the occupation of Germany by the Allies , the Association of Trams and Other Public Passenger Transport Companies in the British Zone of Occupation (VSB) was founded on November 8, 1946 , and comprised operations with trams , trolleybuses and omnibus services . The seat back then was Essen . Also in 1946, an Association of Trams in the American Occupied Zone (VSA) was founded in the American Occupation Zone . At the end of 1947, both associations combined their work in the working group of the associations of public transport companies (AVV). In this context, the specialist committees began their work again. The AVV achieved the inclusion of the transport companies in urgency level 1 in order to improve the urgently needed procurement of materials during the early post-war period. A development plan initiated by the AVV showed that 1.25 million marks would be required to bring the transport infrastructure of the transport companies back to the 1938 level.

After the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany on May 23, 1949 brought a new, more reliable situation. The Association of Public Transport Companies (VÖV) was founded on October 26, 1949 . Initially, the office stayed in Essen, in 1959 it moved to Cologne , where it also stayed in 1991 when it was transferred to the successor organization (VDV).

The structure of the new association was based on that of the Association of German Transport Administrations, which existed until 1934 , as its internal and external structure had proven itself from the point of view of the members. The association saw itself in this tradition and therefore celebrated the 60th anniversary of the association's organization in 1955.

The four Saarland transport companies ( Neunkirchen , Saarbrücken , Saarlouis and Völklingen ), which had initially joined forces in an Association of Public Local Transport Companies of the Saarland (VÖNS), also joined the VÖV even before Saarland became part of the Federal Republic of Germany as an additional federal state.

The office of the VÖV was moved from Essen to Cologne in 1959 .

During the time of transition in the former GDR , an association was founded there on March 15, 1990, also known as the Association of Public Transport Companies. The office was in Leipzig .

On November 6, 1990, the merger of VÖV , the Federal Association of German Railways, Power Transport and Cable Cars (BDE) and VÖV-GDR to form the Association of German Transport Companies.

Standardization in tram cars

In order to meet the urgent need for vehicles for urban passenger transport after the Second World War , numerous chassis of war-damaged trams at the Düsseldorfer Waggonfabrik (DUEWAG) were equipped with new standardized bodies. From 1948 to 1950, 355  railcars and 248  trailer cars were built from the so-called body cars . Subsequently, two- and three-axle tram cars were completely new - that is, with new chassis. The also made to the trade association of railroad cars, consortium tramcars (later VÖV) designed dressing trolley was manufactured by various car manufacturers from 1951 to 1958 (206 railcars and 326 sidecar).

Standardization for public buses

From the 1960s, the VÖV operated the standardization of buses . This resulted in a type recommendation for the standard regular-service bus , which was produced in series by various bus manufacturers from 1968 until the mid-1980s. At the beginning of the 1980s, the type recommendation for the improved successor type Standard-Linienbus II followed .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Association of German Transport Companies: History of the VDV , accessed on December 13, 2012
  2. ^ A b Association of Public Transport Companies (ed.): Handbook of Public Transport Companies , edition 1955/56, pp. 7–15, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, 1955
  3. ^ A hundred years in Essen on wire - the tram . Klartext-Verlag, Essen 1993, ISBN 3-88474-070-9 , pp. 244-246
  4. Association of public transport companies (ed.): Handbook of public transport companies , edition 1955/56, pp. 139–142, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, 1955