Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations

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Announcements from the Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations
Announcements from the Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations
description German-Jewish newsletter
First edition 1921
editor Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations
Web link Announcements from the Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations, B425 Digitized Library Periodical at the Leo Baeck Institute, New York
ZDB 2166518-7

The Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations (abbreviated: VBIG) was founded in 1920. It existed until 1938. Its president during the 18 years of its existence was Alfred Neumeyer . The successor to the Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations was taken over in 1947 by the State Association of Jewish Religious Communities in Bavaria .


On April 20, 1920 the association was founded on the legal basis of Article 137 on the freedom of association to religious societies of the Weimar Constitution . It was the first regional association of Jewish communities in Germany. The association received the status of a corporation under public law in 1921 and it was granted the right to tax ("church tax"). Almost all Jewish communities in Bavaria belonged to the association. Only the two small Jewish communities in Hainsfarth and Kulmbach had stayed away.

In 1925, the Bavarian state granted the Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations 50,000 marks for 1924 and 60,000 marks for 1925. This state subsidy was decided by the Bavarian State Parliament on June 26, 1925 with 13 votes to 12. The Communists, the Social Democrats and the Völkisch and German Nationals voted against the funding. The Bavarian People's Party and the farmers' union voted for this .

In 1933, 198 parishes with around 35,000 members belonged to the association in Bavaria on the right bank of the Rhine . In the Palatinate areas there were about 7,000 Jews.

organization structure

The association issued a constitution in 1926. The association's legislative body was the conference. The session consisted of 76 members. These were determined according to the principles of proportional representation . The members of the association communities voted in an equal, direct and secret ballot.

The association was administered by a council with 21 members. This council consisted of 14 representatives of the association congregations, 5 representatives of the rabbis and religion teachers and two members to be elected by the conference.


The first election for the conference took place in 1921. This was also the first election for a Jewish state parliament in Germany. The Liberal Party was victorious , followed by the Jewish People's Party and religious orthodoxy .

An electoral compromise was made for the 1932 election. As a result, the election was peaceful despite the political threat.


The Association of Bavarian Israelite Communities represented the Jewish community externally. Inwardly, he devoted himself to the care of religious, cultural and social issues. He supported small and poor communities. He regulated the salary and pension entitlements for Jewish religious officials. Orphanages, old people's homes, elementary schools and a teachers' seminar were supported and promoted.

1933 to 1938

In 1933 the Reich Representation of German Jews was founded. The Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations was subordinated to this, but retained its activities in Bavaria. Its tasks grew in the following years due to the plight of the Jewish communities.

In 1938, the association was withdrawn from its public status. After the pogrom on November 9, 1938 , the Association of Bavarian Israelite Congregations ceased to exist.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Historical Lexicon of Bavaria: Association of Bavarian Israelite Communities
  2. Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung , 1925, issue 6 (July 6, 1925), online: