Contract agent

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In Austria, a contract employee is a public servant whose employment relationship is not based on an act of sovereignty (official decision ), as is the case with civil servants , but is contractually established as with an employee in the private sector.

Legal bases

Basic data
Title: Contract Employees Act 1948
Long title: Federal law of March 17, 1948 on the service and salary law of federal contract employees
Abbreviation: VBG
Type: Federal law
Scope: Republic of Austria
Legal matter: Special private law
Reference: StF: Federal Law Gazette No. 86/1948
Date of law: March 17, 1948
Last change: BGBl. I No. 65/2015
Please note the note on the applicable legal version !

Each federal state as well as the federal government has its own law on contract employees ( special private law ).

  • Federal Government: Contract Employees Act  1948 (reform 1999)
  • Styria:
    • Municipal Contract Servants Act 1962

Labor law position

In detail, there are differences to the labor law regulations for employees in the private sector in Austria. So is z. B. a contract employee after a certain period of time only stating a reason for termination, such as. B. breach of duty or physical or mental unsuitability for service can be terminated (limited right of termination of the employer).

Currently also be contract staff under special contract (VB / S) as police cadets set which after completion of their training in the civil service status as law enforcement officers of the police to take effect.

In Austria there are around 55,000 contract employees under public law (2013: 54,820 contractual staff), which is a share of just over 40% of the public employees (2013: 42.2% of 129,873 in full-  time equivalent VBÄ). Due to the pragmatization stop in 1997, the proportion has gradually increased.

See also: Public Service: Austria - Facts and Figures on the Labor Market

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Contract staff ( Memento of the original from October 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,, Dept. A7 - Municipalities and Internal Affairs @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. civil servants, contract staff. Federal Chancellery,> Das Bundespersonal (accessed February 21, 2015).
  3. ↑ stop pragmatization; Official posts in the 1998 and 1999 establishment plans , Gfz. 466/14-III / C / 97, circular no. 27/1997 (on