Vigilante (computer game)

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Vigilante Logo.png
Studio Irem
Publisher Irem, Data East
genre Beat 'em up
Game mode 2 players take turns
control 8-way joystick ; 2 buttons
casing default
Arcade system Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579645 MHz)
Sound CPU: Z80 (@ 3.579645 MHz)
Sound Chips: YM2151, DAC
monitor Raster resolution 256 × 256 (4: 3 horizontal) Color palette: 544
information Successor to Kung-Fu Master

Vigilante is an arcade game of the genre beat 'em up , which in 1988 by Irem developed and later at Data East licensed. It was a successor to Kung-Fu Master , the first scrolling beat 'em up from 1984.


The term vigilante known in English a wielders of vigilantism . This is how Bernhard Goetz , who shot four Afro-Americans in the New York subway, was called the Subway Vigilante . The term is also used in comics and films such as Batman , Dirty Harry , Mad Max , Taxi Driver , Sin City, and V for Vendetta .


As with the predecessor, the player has to free his girlfriend - here Madonna - who was kidnapped by the gang The Skinheads . Since the police do not intervene, the hero has to take it into his own hands.

There are also five levels , at the end of which there are strong bosses . The action takes place outside, however, and there are weapons ( nunchucks ) that the player can collect. Otherwise he has to hit or kick with his fists or feet. The opponents who are in the middle of the levels sometimes have weapons like pistols, knives, chains and clubs.

The game direction ( scrolling ) only goes to the right, but the character can also move vertically on the paths.


The graphics of the original arcade version were quite good, with a color palette of 544 colors. The backgrounds were detailed and varied. The graphics on the home computers (also on the C64) were much more primitive.


Similar games

  • Subway Vigilante (C64, 1989)
  • Kick Box Vigilante (C64, 1990)
  • Double dragon

The console game Vigilante 8 , on the other hand, is a racing game with shoot-'em-up elements. See also Interstate '76 .

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