Viktor Pavičić

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Viktor Pavičić

Viktor Pavičić (born October 5, 1898 in Gospić ; date of death uncertain, missing around January 20, 1943 near Stalingrad , Soviet Union ) was a colonel in the Croatian army and commander of the reinforced Croatian infantry regiment 369 in the battle of Stalingrad .

He previously served in the Royal Yugoslav Army and, after the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia, was the commander of the military academy in Zagreb and a military writer .


Viktor Pavičić was born on October 15, 1898. As the commander and instructor of the military academy of the Croatian Home Guard in Zagreb, he was given the task of setting up a volunteer regiment to support the German armed forces in August 1942 . Ante Pavelić , political leader of the independent state of Croatia , had promised Hitler that several troop units would participate in the fighting on the Eastern Front, which was eventually called the Croatian Legion .

Because of the large number of volunteers, the 369th regiment could be set up in a short time and sent via Austria to what is now Ukraine in August 1942. After fighting on the southern front and the almost complete conquest of Stalingrad, members of the regiment received several awards. Pavičić himself received the Order of the Iron Trefoil for his services in the Battle of Stalingrad and was henceforth allowed to bear the title of vitez (knight).

After heavy losses of his unit through house-to-house fighting, hunger and cold in the Battle of Stalingrad in the winter of 1942/43, he disappeared in a way that has not yet been clarified. The most likely of several possible causes of death is a plane crash on January 20 near Stalingrad. Marko Mesić took over his role as regimental commander .

Awards (selection)


  • Milan Pojić, Mato Rupić: PAVIČIĆ, Viktor . In: Darko Stuparić (ed.): Tko je tko u NDH: Hrvatska 1941. – 1945 [Who is who in the NDH: Croatia 1941–1945] . Minerva, Zagreb 1997, p. 312 (Croatian).

Individual evidence

  1. Društvo za hrvatsku povjesnicu (ed.): Historijski zbornik . tape 47 . Nakladni zavod Hrvatske, 1994, p. 141 ( ).