Vilhelm Lorenzen

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Vilhelm Lorenzen

Vilhelm Birkedal Lorenzen (born January 27, 1877 in Gislev ; † September 11, 1961 ) was a Danish historian and art historian who was one of the founders of modern monument protection in Denmark .


Vilhelm Lorenzen was the son of pastor CN Lorenzen († 1905) and his wife Agathe geb. Birkedal († 1884). He attended the cathedral school in Odense until 1895 and then began to study history, which he obtained with a doctorate. phil. on the basis of his dissertation Studier i dansk Herregaardsarkitektur i 16. and 17. Aarhundrede 1921. He then worked as a teacher and art historian.

Lorenzen became an adjunct at the metropolitan colony in Nørrebro , where he taught history from 1929 until he left in 1946. From 1909 to 1939 he was also a history teacher at the Naval School in Copenhagen.

Together with the architect HB Storck , he founded Foreningen til Gamle Bygningers Bevaring in 1907 , of which he was first secretary from 1907 to 1947. With this association he gave the impetus for Denmark's first monument protection law , the Bygningsfredningslov of 1918. In 1915 Lorenzen was also a co-founder of the Bedre Byggeskik national association , of which he was first chairman from 1926 to 1933. He was also a member of Det særlige Bygningssyn from its foundation from 1918 to 1954. In 1921 he was one of the co-founders of the Dansk Byplanlaboratorium , a laboratory for urban planning . He was editor of Arkitekten magazine from 1917 to 1920, co-editor of Danske Herregaarde , special editor of Nordisk Kultur 1928 and co-editor of Danske Herregaardshaver (1929).

Further memberships



  • Frue Kirke and Hospitalet in Aarhus (1906)
  • Painters Hilker (1908)
  • De danske Helligaandsklostres Bygningshistorie (1912)
  • Rantzauske Borge og Herresæder i det 16. Aarhundrede (1912)
  • Dansk Arkitektur gennem 20 Aar (with Kristoffer Varming , 1912)
  • Reformert Kirke i København (1914)
  • De danske Franciskanerklostres Bygningshistorie (1914)
  • Christianshavn's Borgerlige Bygningskunst (1914)
  • Landgaarde and Lyststeder (I and II 1916, 1920)
  • De danske Dominikanerklostres Bygningshistorie (1920)
  • Det danske Hus I (1920)
  • De danske Birgittinerklostres Bygningshistorie (1922)
  • Københavnske Palæer I and II (1922 and 1926)
  • Kallundborg Kirke (with Mogens Clemmensen , 1922)
  • De danske Karmelitterklostres Bygningshistorie (1924)
  • Roskilde Domkirke (1924)
  • De danske Præmonstratenserklostres Bygningshistorie (1925)
  • Vandringer in the game of København (1926)
  • De danske Antonitterklostres Bygningshistorie (1926)
  • De danske Johannitterklostres Bygningshistorie (1927)
  • Vor Frue Kirke (1927)
  • Gamle københavnske Huse (sm H. Spliid, 1927)
  • De danske Augustinian Monastery Bygningshistorie (1929)
  • Haandtegnede Kort over København 1600-60 (1930)
  • Dansk Herregaardsarkitektur fra Baroktiden I (1930), II (1935)
  • København som Arkitekturby (1932)
  • De danske Benedictine monastery Bygningshistorie (1933)
  • Lambert van Haven (1936)
  • Christian IV's Byanlæg (1937)
  • Rosenholms Bygmestre (1937)
  • Dominicus Baetiaz (1938)
  • Architect Peter Meyn (1939)
  • Metropolitan Colens History i Metropolitan Arch (1939)
  • De danske Cistercienserklostres Bygningshistorie (1941)
  • Haandtegnede Kort over København 1660-1757 (1942)
  • Bevaringsproblemer I-IV (1944-48)
  • Sct. Peders Kirkeplads i Næstved (1946)
  • Drømmen om den ideal By (1947)
  • Vore Byer I (1947), II (1952), III (1955), IV (1957)
  • Jens Bangs Stenhus i Aalborg (1947)
  • De gamle danske Domkirker (1948)
  • Axel Urup (1953)
