Vincent Pilloni

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Vincent Pilloni (* 1982 ) is a French mathematician who studies arithmetic algebraic geometry and the Langlands program .

Pilloni studied at the École normal supérieure (Paris) and received his doctorate in 2009 from the University of Paris XIII with Jacques Tilouine (Arithmetique des varieties de Siegel).

Among other things, he deals with the question of how the modularity theorem for elliptic curves can be extended to Abelian varieties beyond the rational numbers (which led to the proof of the Fermat conjecture ). With Fabrizio Andreatta and Adrian Iovita he made progress in the conjecture of Langlands, Clozel and Fontaine-Mazur.

He is Chargé de Recherche of the CNRS at the École normal supérieure de Lyon (UMPA).

He is invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro 2018 (p-adic variation of automorphic sheaves, with Adrian Iovita , Fabrizio Andreatta ). In 2018 he received the Prix ​​Élie Cartan .


  • Sur la theory de Hida, Bull. Soc. Math. France, Volume 140, 2012, pp. 335-400.
  • Modularité, formes de Siegel et surfaces abéliennes, J. Reine Angew. Math., Volume 666, 2012, pp. 35-82.
  • Prolongement analytique sur les variétés de Siegel, Duke Math. J., Volume 157, 2011, pp. 167–222.
  • with Stéphane Bijakowski, Benoit Stroh: Classicité des formes modulaires superconvergentes, Annals of Mathematics, Volume 183, 2016, pp. 975-1014
  • with Fabrizio Andreatta, Adrian Iovita: p-adic families of modular cusp forms, Annals of Mathematics, Volume 181, 2015, pp. 623–697
  • mi Andreatta, Iovita: Le Halo Spectral, Ann. Sci. ENS
  • with Andreatta, Iovita: On overconvergent Hilbert modular cusp forms, Astérisque, Volume 382, ​​2016, pp. 163–193
  • with Benoit Stroh: Surconvergence, ramification et modularité, Astérisque, Volume 382, ​​2016, pp. 195–266. MR
  • Formes modulaires p-adiques de Hilbert de poids 1, Invent. Math., Volume 208, 2017, pp. 633-676.
  • Higher coherent cohomology and p-adic modular forms of singular weight, 2017

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vincent Pilloni in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used