Vincent Who?

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Original title Vincent Who?
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2009
Director Tony Lam
production Curtis Chin
music Steven Pranoto
camera Tony Lam
cut Tony Lam

Vincent Who? ( English for Vincent Who? ) Is a 2009 American documentary film about the murder of Vincent Chin in Detroit, Michigan.


Vincent Chin was a Chinese-born American who was hit with a baseball bat by Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz on June 19, 1982 in Detroit in such a way that he died of his injuries four days later. Racial hatred was identified as the motive for murder. Ebens and his stepson Nitz both worked in the automotive industry near Detroit, and Nitz had lost his job there. The two murderers blamed all Japanese for this job loss. They thought the victim was a Japanese man and killed him because of it.

The perpetrators were arrested and sentenced to three years probation and a fine of  $ 3,750. They did not spend a day in detention. The Judge Charles Kaufman, who gave the ruling, commented in the film: "These were not the kind of men you send to jail." (These were not the kind of people you sent to jail.)


Producer Curtis Chin (not related to Vincent Chin) interviewed around 80 young Americans of Asian descent whether they had heard of Vincent Chin, which they said no. The National Association for Multicultural Education awarded Vincent Who? 2009 the Multicultural Media Award.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Multicultural Media Award. ( Memento of December 19, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) National Association for Multicultural Education.