Vincent Huber

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Vinzenz Huber (born January 8, 1821 in Triengen , † August 30, 1877 in St. Urban ) was a Swiss politician . From 1848 to 1863 he was a member of the government council of the Canton of Lucerne , from 1850 to 1851 and from 1852 to 1854 he was a member of the National Council.


The son of a manufacturer received training as a geometer and scribe. Huber then worked as a chancellery in the State Chancellery of the Canton of Lucerne. From 1839 to 1845 he was head clerk in the building department, then district judge until 1847 and finally from 1849 to 1856 secretary of the Grand Council . He was also the owner of a nail factory which went bankrupt in 1876.

Huber was elected to the Grand Council in 1847 as a representative of the radical liberals . From 1848 he was also a member of the government council, which he presided over in 1858 as mayor. During his entire 15-year tenure in the cantonal government, he headed the building department, his most important project was the drainage of the Wauwilermoos . He was also the initiator of the Lucerne Cantonal Bank . In a by-election in October 1850, Huber entered the National Council, but waived re-election a year later. After Jakob Robert Steiger's early resignation , he successfully ran again in July 1852 for a by-election, and finally resigned in 1854. In 1863 he resigned from his offices at the cantonal level.

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