Vitamin (manga)

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title vitamin
Original title ビ タ ミ ン
transcription bitamine
author Keiko Suenobu
publishing company Kodansha
magazine Bessatsu Friend
First publication 2001 - 2001
expenditure 1

Vitamin ( Japanese ビ タ ミ ン , bitamin ) is a manga series by Keiko Suenobu that appeared in 2001. It is aimed at teenage girls and is therefore part of the Shōjo genre.


15-year-old Sawako Yarimizu is attending high school. After watching someone having sex with a stranger in the classroom, the next morning it was written on the board: “Sawako Yarimizu is a slut who has sex with everyone!” From that moment on she becomes an outsider. Her classmates begin to abuse, torture and bully her ( Ijime ).

When her friend, who doesn't dare to say that he was the stranger, leaves her shortly afterwards, it becomes too much for Sawako and she isolates herself from everything. She decides to stop going to school and instead starts drawing a manga.


Vitamin was published in 2001 in individual chapters in the manga magazine Bessatsu Friend . The Kōdansha publishing house brought out these chapters in November 2001 as an anthology.

The manga was translated into Korean and Chinese in 2002, and into Italian and French in 2005. In Germany, Vitamin was published by Planet Manga in February 2004 .


In AnimaniA , Petra Kilburg praised the manga was “interesting [...], especially since the usual shôjo mangas portray a rather transfigured romantic picture of these schools.” Suenobu draws “excellent” and creates the manga in “clear, under images that go through the skin ” .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vitamin at ( Memento from August 20, 2004 in the Internet Archive ) (Chinese)
  2. Vitamin in PaTaTo's Manga DB ( Memento from October 16, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (Italian)
  3. Vitamin at (French)
  4. Petra Kilburg: Night without morning . In: AnimaniA , edition 01–02 / 2004, pp. 28–29.