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The preliminary planning marks the second service phase (LP2) of the HOAI and is part of the preparation of a design planning . It follows service phase 1 ( basic assessment ) and deals with a basic analysis, the coordination of the task and the development of a planning concept.

The planning concept is roughly represented with the help of line sketches and explanations. A further refinement and specification then takes place in the service phase of the design planning. In the pre-planning phase, the authorities are contacted for the first time and approval is checked.

In addition to the actual preliminary planning, a cost estimate must also be made that gives an account of the expected costs. In order to be able to set up a meaningful cost estimate, properties such as the equipment standard or the gross floor area must be known in the preliminary planning phase .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Lutz Franke: Building construction in the planning process . Vieweg + Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden 2002, ISBN 3-528-02565-4 , pp. 50 .