W. A. ​​C. Bennett Dam

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W.A.C. Bennett Dam
Williston Lake
WAC Bennett Dam From Viewpoint.jpg
Location: British Columbia (Canada)
Tributaries: Finlay River , Ingenika River , Manson River , Mesilinka River , Nation River , Omineca River , Ospika River , Pack River , Parsnip River
Drain: Peace River
Larger places on the shore: Mackenzie
Larger places nearby: Hudson's Hope
W. A. ​​C. Bennett Dam, British Columbia
W. A. ​​C. Bennett Dam
Coordinates 56 ° 1 ′ 0 ″  N , 122 ° 12 ′ 0 ″  W Coordinates: 56 ° 1 ′ 0 ″  N , 122 ° 12 ′ 0 ″  W
Data on the structure
Lock type: Zone earth dam
Construction time: ? –1967
Height above valley floor: 471 m
Height above foundation level : 183 or 191 m (various details)
Building volume: 43.733 million m³
Crown length: 2 040  m
Power plant output: 2 730  MW
Operator: BC Hydro
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 660  m
Water surface 1 660  km²
Storage space 70,309 km³
Catchment area 70 000  km²

The W. A. ​​C. Bennett Dam at Hudson's Hope in Canada is one of the largest dams on earth. According to the size of the storage space, it is in 9th place.


The dam of the Canadian company BC Hydro is used, among other things, to generate electricity from hydropower . The ten turbines have an output of 273  MW each , a total of 2730 MW.


The dam is a zone earth dam , 2040 m long and 183 m high. It blocks the canyon of the Peace River in northern British Columbia . The flood relief is located on the right slope and is 850 meters long and 30 meters wide. On the left slope is the inlet for the hydropower plant and the underground power house. It is called "Gordon M. Shrum Generating Station".

The dam is named after WAC Bennett , a former Prime Minister of British Columbia. The resulting reservoir is called Williston Lake.

See also

Web links

Commons : W. A. ​​C. Bennett Dam  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files