The WPT-34 (from the Polish W óz p ogotowia t echnicznego ; literally in German: Technical emergency vehicle ) was a Polish light armored recovery vehicle based on the chassis of the decommissioned T-34/85 , SU-85 M and SU-100 , the was manufactured in the PR Poland in the 1960s. The WPT-34 was actually a temporary solution, as it was replaced by the more modern and more powerful WZT-1 in the 1970s .
The armored recovery vehicle was equipped with a winch and a manually operated crane. The non-swiveling crane is a simple construction with which a maximum of 1000 kg could be lifted. However, this is sufficient for replacing tank engines.
By building an underwater shaft, bodies of water could be passed through. All hatches are closed, the engine only sucked in the combustion air through the shaft hatch when wading, deep wading and underwater driving.
- 1 winch
- 1 crane with a maximum lifting force of max. 10 kN
- Various tools
- Handguns