Juniper Woodpecker

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Juniper Woodpecker
Abyssinian Woodpecker.jpg

Juniper Woodpecker ( Dendropicos abyssinicus )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Woodpecker birds (Piciformes)
Family : Woodpeckers (Picidae)
Subfamily : Real woodpeckers (Picinae)
Genre : Dendropicos
Type : Juniper Woodpecker
Scientific name
Dendropicos abyssinicus
( Stanley , 1814)

The juniper woodpecker ( Dendropicos abyssinicus ), also known as the golden-backed woodpecker , is a species of woodpecker found primarily in Eritrea and Ethiopia . It is believed to be a close relative of the cardinal woodpecker.


The juniper woodpecker is a small species of woodpecker with a relatively long and wide beak. It has a golden yellow back with a red body, dotted wings and tail, the lower extremities are light and black striped. The head is striped and the males have a red neck and a red crown. The brown head stripe between the eyes and the golden coat distinguish it from the cardinal woodpecker.

Habitat and Distribution

The juniper woodpecker is endemic to the Ethiopian mountains from central Eritrea east of Harare , Ethiopia, to the Alata River. This species lives in juniper trees, mainly at altitudes between 1600 and 3000 meters. Juniper woodpeckers can also be observed less frequently at lower altitudes in wooded savannahs.

Way of life

The way of life of the juniper woodpecker is largely unknown. The breeding season is believed to be between December and May.


Exact information on the population of the juniper woodpecker is not known, but due to the deforestation of the forest it can be assumed that the population will continue to decline.

Web links

Commons : Juniper Woodpecker ( Dendropicos abyssinicus )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b Hans Winkler, David A. Christie, David Nurney: Woodpeckers A Guide to the Woodpeckers, Piculets and Wrynecks of the World . Pica Press, 1995, ISBN 978-1-8734-0325-9 , p. 240.