Wahan Malesjan

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Wahan Malesjan ( Armenian Վահան Մալեզեան ; born September 21 . Jul / 3. October  1871 greg. In Sulina , Romania , † 1966 in Nice ) was an Armenian poet and writer .


After Malesjan's birth, the family moved to Constantinople , where Malesjan attended Hagop Gurgen's private school. He then studied law with a degree in 1895. In 1890 his first collection of poems appeared and in 1892 a narrative. In 1896 he was arrested in Mersin for revolutionary activities and was imprisoned for a year.

In 1898 Malesjan settled in Cairo . There he founded with others the constitutional-democratic party Sahmanadrakan Ramkavar , which later merged with other parties to form the Democratic-Liberal Party . In the Armenian General Charitable Union founded in Cairo in 1906 , he held administrative offices. He wrote numerous poetry and prose texts . In 1923 he moved to Brussels and in 1927 to France , where he lived in Paris and Marseille . After the Second World War he lived in New York . In 1948 he finally settled in Nice . His collected works were published in 1950 and 1955. He also translated works by Victor Hugo , Henri Barbusse and Maurice Maeterlinck in particular . A volume on his life and works was published on his 85th birthday.

Individual evidence

  1. Information on Wahan Malesjan in the database of the Bibliothèque nationale de France , accessed on April 27, 2017.
  2. a b c d e Agop Jack Hacikyan: The Heritage of Armenian Literature: From the eighteenth century to modern times . Wayne State University Press, Detroit 2005, ISBN 0-8143-3221-8 , pp. 669-670 .
  3. a b c Kevork B. Bardakjian: A Reference Guide to Modern Armenian Literature, 1500-1920: With an Introductory History . Wayne State University Press, Detroit 2000, ISBN 0-8143-2747-8 , pp. 406-407 .