Walter Benjamin College

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Walter Benjamin College
founding 2015
Sponsorship state: Canton of Bern
( University of Bern )
place Bern , Switzerland
management Anselm Gerhard (President)

The Walter Benjamin Kolleg (WBKolleg) is an institution of the University of Bern . It bundles the inter- and transdisciplinary research activities of the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Bern. To this end, it provides structures for the systematic promotion and networking of young scientists. It also supports inter-faculty and inter-university cooperation.


The college is named after Walter Benjamin (1892–1940). The philosopher studied at the University of Bern and received his doctorate there in 1919 with a thesis on the concept of art criticism in German Romanticism . His name stands for the concept of a creative combination of the most varied of disciplinary approaches in the humanities.

At the Walter Benjamin Kolleg, doctoral students, postdocs (Junior Fellows ) and other young researchers work in inter- and transdisciplinary projects on basic issues in the humanities, cultural and social sciences. In addition, interdisciplinary Bachelor and Master courses are offered.

The president of the college is elected by the college of the philosophical-historical faculty. The musicologist Anselm Gerhard has headed the college since May 2015 .

Teaching and Research

The college was founded in May 2015 with the aim of bundling the existing interdisciplinary centers, projects and courses at the Faculty of Philosophy and History. It comprises two research centers, a research and young talent network, a forum for bottom-up research and other projects:

Center for Global Studies (CGS) : The CGS is a research center that deals with current and historical processes of entanglement and disintegration of human areas of life over great geographical distances and different cultural contexts. It offers:

  • the Global Studies doctoral program
  • the five master’s programs Latin American Studies, Eastern European Studies, Religion in the Global Present, World Arts, World Literature
  • the bachelor's program in Eastern European Studies

Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS) : The CSLS is a research center that focuses on the scientific research into the relationship between language and society and their mutual influence in the broadest sense. In addition to a doctoral program in Studies of Language and Society, the center also offers a master’s degree in sociolinguistics.

Interdisciplinary research and young talent network (IFN) with the Graduate School of the Humanities (GSH): The IFN is an integrated facility for the promotion of young researchers at the doctoral and postdoc levels. It includes:

  • the Graduate School of the Humanities with the three doctoral programs Global Studies, Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies and Studies of Language and Society
  • a fellowship program for postdocs (junior fellows)
  • the master’s program in Editing Philology

Research forum : The research forum sees itself as a 'marketplace of ideas' with a laboratory character, a low degree of institutionalization and a high level of voluntary commitment. The aim is to develop fields of innovation and enable research from "below".

Friedrich Dürrenmatt Visiting Professorship for World Literature : Since autumn 2013, the visiting professorship has been mediating between science and literature, theory and practice, the university and the public. Every semester, an international author works with students and doctoral students and also offers public events in Bern and other places in Switzerland. Previous holders of the visiting professorship were David Wagner , Joanna Bator , Louis-Philippe Dalembert , Wendy Law-Yone , Fernando Pérez , Wilfried N'Sondé , Juan Gabriel Vásquez , Josefine Klougart, Xialou Guo , Peter Stamm , Nedim Gürsel and Lizzie Doron . Mathias Énard will be a guest in the fall semester 2020 .

Distinguished Lectures Series (DLS) : The DLS comprises a series of lectures on specific topics. She invites internationally known scientists to give guest lectures followed by a workshop. Previous speakers include a. Giorgio Agamben , Paul Gilroy , Homi K. Bhabha , Jacques Rancière , Judith Butler and Alain Badiou .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Benjamin: Concept of art criticism in German romanticism . Verlag A. Francke, Bern 1920. Reissued: ISBN 9783518585016
  3. ^ Website of the Friedrich Dürrenmatt visiting professor for world literature