Walter David Neumann

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Walter David Neumann (born January 1, 1946 ) is a British mathematician who studies 3-manifolds , geometric group theory, and geometric topology .

Walter Neumann is the son of Bernhard Neumann and Hanna Neumann and the younger brother of Peter Neumann . He grew up in Manchester and moved to Canberra with his family when he was 17 . He studied at the University of Adelaide and received his doctorate in 1969 under Friedrich Hirzebruch at the University of Bonn . He was then an assistant professor and later professor at the University of Maryland . He was then a professor at Ohio State University and from 1993 at the University of Melbourne . In 2000 he was a professor at Barnard College of Columbia University .

In 2005 he became Managing Editor of Geometry and Topology. He is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society and a member of the European Academy of Sciences


  • with U. Karras, Matthias Kreck , E. Ossa: Cutting and Pasting of Manifolds; SK-Groups, Publish or Perish, Boston, MA, 1973
  • with David Eisenbud : Three-dimensional link theory and invariants of plane curve singularities. Annals of Mathematics Studies, 110. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1985.
  • -actions and the -invariant of their involutions, Bonner Mathematische Schriften 44, 1969 (dissertation)
  • with R. Bieri, R. Strebel: A geometric invariant of discrete groups . Invent. Math. 90 (1987) no. 3, 451-477.
  • with J. Wahl: Casson invariant of links of singularities. Comment. Math. Helv. 65 (1990) no. 1, 58-78.
  • The fixed group of an automorphism of a word hyperbolic group is rational . Invent. Math. 110 (1992) no. 1, 147-150.
  • with Alan Reid: Arithmetic of hyperbolic manifolds . Topology '90 (Columbus, OH, 1990), 273-310, Ohio State Univ. Math. Res. Inst. Publ., 1, de Gruyter.
  • with M. Shapiro: Automatic structures, rational growth and geometrically finite hyperbolic groups, Inv. Math., Vol. 120, 1995, pp. 259-287.
  • Extended Bloch group and the Cheeger-Chern-Simons class . Geom. Topol. 8: 413-474 (2004)
  • with J. Behrstock: Quasi-isometric classification of graph manifold groups . Duke Math. J. 141 (2008), no. 2, 217-240.
  • with L. Birbrair, A. Pichon: The thick-thin decomposition and the bilipschitz classification of normal surface singularities. Acta Math. 212 (2014), no. 2, 199-256.

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