Walter Homann

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Memorial plaque on the house at Jungstrasse 18, in Berlin-Friedrichshain

Walter Homann (born January 15, 1906 in Berlin , † April 10, 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a resistance fighter of the Red Orchestra . He was a locksmith by trade .


Walter Homann worked as a locksmith in the AEG turbine factory in Berlin-Moabit and joined the KPD in 1928 . After 1933 he collected money and donations in kind for the relatives of imprisoned opponents of National Socialism. He was arrested on February 28, 1945 and sentenced to death on March 21, 1945 by the Berlin Chamber Court. The sentence was carried out two and a half weeks later, on April 10, 1945. In addition to Homann, his AEG work colleagues Wilhelm Bösch, Gustav Sadranowski, Karl Müller, Wilhelm Leist, Otto Lang, Richard Klotzbücher were also executed in Plötzensee in the same month and Karl Behrens in 1943.


A memorial plaque is attached to Homann's house at Jungstrasse 18 in Berlin-Friedrichshain .

Web links

Commons : Walter Homann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files