Walter Hunziker (physicist)

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Walter Hunziker (born November 9, 1935 in Aarau ; † September 9, 2012 ) was a Swiss physicist and university professor. His research areas were quantum mechanics , statistical mechanics and scattering theory .

life and work

At the age of nineteen, Hunziker received the Matura Certificate Type C at the canton school and began studying at the Department of Mathematics and Physics at ETH Zurich in 1954 . In 1959 he received his diploma in physics and was then assistant for theoretical physics with Professor Res Jost at the ETH. In 1961 he received his doctorate there with the dissertation: Regularity properties of the scattering amplitude in the case of potential scattering. From 1963 to 1965 he was a postdoc at Princeton University . He then carried out research at the ETH, where he was assistant professor in 1965, associate professor in 1969 and professor from 1972 until his retirement in 2001. His doctoral students included Dieter Imboden , Volker Bach , Jürg Fröhlich , Michael Loss and Gian Michele Graf .

Publications (selection)

  • Resonances, metastable states and exponential decay laws in perturbation theory, Communications in Mathematical Physics volume 132, 1990
  • Mathematical theory of N-body quantum systems, 1997
  • with Laura Cattaneo, Gian Michele Graf: A General Resonance Theory Based on Mourre's Inequality, Annales Henri Poincaré volume 7, 2006

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