Walter Pelican

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Walter Pelikan (born October 13, 1901 in Kindberg , Styria , † January 18, 1971 in Stuttgart ) was an Austrian civil engineer.

Pelikan studied at the TH Graz and received his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich under Georg Kapsch in 1933 (for the exact calculation of girder bridges with barrel-shaped associations for wind forces with the help of lines of influence ). From 1933 to 1956 he was chief engineer and head of the bridge construction department at the MAN plant in Gustavsburg . Afterwards he was professor for wood and steel construction at the TH Stuttgart .

In 1957 he and Maria Eßlinger from the MAN plant in Gustavsburg wrote a monograph on orthotropic plates and provided a simple calculation method. It has long been a standard work in steel bridge construction.

His projects include the renovation of the Zoologischer Garten station in Berlin (1936 to 1938) and the Rhine bridge Cologne-Mülheim (1951, with the first use of an orthotropic plate in bridge construction in Germany).


  • with Maria Eßlinger: The steel roadway. Calculation and construction, MAN research booklet No. 7, 1957

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl-Eugen Kurrer , History of Structural Analysis. In Search of Balance , Ernst & Sohn 2016, p. 617, ISBN 978-3-433-03134-6
  2. Degener, Habel, Who is who?, Arani 1970