Waltraut Hladny

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Waltraut Hladny (born August 15, 1950 in Hafning near Trofaiach , Styria ) is an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ).


Waltraut Hladny completed until 1965, the national and secondary school in Trofaiach and visited subsequently to 1968 the college for economic female occupations in Leoben . After three more years, during which Hladny had attended the technical college for upscale social professions in Graz until 1971 , she had learned the profession of social worker . In the same year she found work in her job with the city administration of Leoben.

Hladny, who campaigned for the interests of women, was elected local woman chairwoman of the SPÖ in Leoben in 1994. In the same year she moved into the city parliament of the mining town as a social democratic councilor . In April 2005, Hladny was sworn in as the Social Councilor of Leoben; however, she only worked in this function for almost six months, until December 2005.

In October of the same year she moved to Vienna as a member of the Federal Council . Here she represented the interests of Styria until October 2010.

Within her party, the SPÖ, she acted from 2003 as a member of the state women's committee of the SPÖ Styria; since 2005 she has also been a member of the state party executive of the Styrian Social Democrats.

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