Wanda Szmielew

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Wanda Szmielew (born April 5, 1918 in Warsaw ; † August 27, 1976 there ) was a Polish mathematical logician.

Szmielew studied from 1935 at the University of Warsaw , where she dealt with mathematical logic under Alfred Tarski and Lindenbaum. She completed her first work in 1938, but it could only be published in Fundamenta Mathematica after the Second World War. During the Second World War, she worked as a surveying technician under German occupation and taught underground. From 1945 to 1947 she continued her studies at the University of Łódź . In 1947 she received her diploma at the University of Warsaw and became an assistant there. In 1949 she went to the University of California, Berkeley zu Tarski, where she received her doctorate in 1950 with a thesis ( Elementary Properties of Abelian Groups ), which she had completed under German occupation and in which she proved the decidability of the theory of Abelian groups. In 1950 she became an assistant professor in Warsaw, a lecturer in 1954 and a professor in 1957. From 1965 to 1967 she was visiting professor at Tarski in Berkeley.

Szmielew dealt with the metamathematic foundations of algebra and geometry and with set theory. A project by her and Alfred Tarski on the metamathematical foundation of Euclidean geometry was completed in 1983 by Wolfram Schwabhäuser .

She was a member of the Ministry of Education's Textbook Commission.


  • Wolfram Schwabhäuser, Wanda Szmielew, Alfred Tarski: Metamathematic methods in geometry . Springer-Verlag 1983.
  • Szmielew, Karol Borsuk : Foundations of geometry, Euclidean and Bolyai-Lobachevskian geometry, projective geometry . Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1960 (English translation of the Polish original)
  • Szmielew Elementary Properties of Abelian Groups . In: Fundamenta Mathematicae , Vol. 41, 1955, pp. 203-271
  • Szmielew From Affine to Euclidean Geometry - An Axiomatic Approach (Polish), Bibliotheca Mathematica Vol. 55, 1981
  • Obituary in Studia Logica , Vol. 36, 1977, No. 4, p. 241
  • Renate Strohmeier: Lexicon of natural scientists and women of Europe . Harri Deutsch 1998

Individual evidence

  1. Associate Professor is stated in the English obituary in Studia Logica