Wang Pi-Cheng

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Wang Pi-Cheng ( Chinese  王丕 承 ; born September 14, 1900 in Jiangxi Province , † February 27, 2003 in Westminster , California ) was a Chinese general and military attaché for the Republic of China in the Soviet Union .


Wang graduated from Wuchang Normal University in 1924 and then entered the military, where he served in the staff department . He continued his military training at military academies in Japan and the United States. From 1937 to 1940 he was a military attaché of the Republic of China in the Soviet Union. From 1940 he served in Chongqing, the strategic center of the Chinese during the Sino-Japanese War . Wang was in the delegation of the Republic of China to the surrender of Japan on the US battleship Missouri in 1945. After retreating from the communists on the island of Taiwan , he served the nationalist government until his retirement in 1974. In 1978 Wang moved to California, where he spent the last 25 years of his life in Orange County .

He died of heart and kidney failure at the age of 102.

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