Wang Zhe

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Wang Zhe

Wang Zhe Chinese  王 嚞 , Pinyin Wáng Zhé ( 1113 - 1170 ) was the founder of the Daoist Quanzhen school of internal alchemy , which was founded by him in 1167 and 1168 and which spread from Shanxi to Shandong first in the lower strata of the Population expanded.


Originally his first name was Zhongfu 中孚 and his zi Yunqing 允 卿, but since he failed the civil service examination and wanted to switch to military service, he changed his first name to Shixiong 世雄 and his zi to Dewei 德威. Like his hao重阳 子 (Chongyangzi, master of double yang) all very programmatic names.


Wang Zhe was from Xianyang咸阳 in what is now Shaanxi Province 陕西 and was a scholar who also trained in the arts of archery and sword fighting. Because of his military boldness, he was accepted into the public service, but left his family and the army at 47 and became a Daoist monk. Later, Wang Zhe had seven students, including the famous female Enlightened Sun Bu'er , and these students then took care of the wide dissemination of the Quanzhen school, especially in North China the Chan - Buddhism supplanted in influence.

Wang Zhe advocated a syncretism of the union of the Three Doctrines , which included the study of Confucian classics and the Buddhist Heart Sutra , and his teaching is through a strong internalization that turned away from the earlier immortality search of Daoism and through an effort to find the appropriate center marked. It preaches turning away from alcohol, sexuality, anger and the pursuit of wealth and was the first Taoist school to set up monasteries based on the model of the Chan .

Many writings have come down to us from Wang Zhe, most of which are in an didactic form and addressed to his students.


  • jinlian zhengzong xianyuan xiangzhuan 金莲 正宗 仙源 像 传
