Wasa Amenfi West District

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Wasa Amenfi West District
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Western region
Capital Asankrangwa
District shape common
District Chief Executive Samuel Alberto Tekyi
surface 2,354 km²
population 186,257 (2002)
Population density 79 Ew. / km²
ISO 3166-2 GH-WP-AW

The district Wasa Amenfi West is a district of the Western Region of Ghana .


The district's population has multiplied in recent decades through natural growth and immigration. In 1948 21,500 people lived here, in 1960 57,537, 1970 85,698, 1984 139,833 and finally 186,000 people at the beginning of the millennium. In 1984 more than half of the population were born outside the district. The population grows z. Currently at a rate of 3.2% per year. In addition to the native (and eponymous) Wasa , other immigrant representatives of the Akan peoples such as the Akwamu , Ashanti , Brong and Assin make up larger parts of the district's ethnic mix. There are also Ewe and Akwapim from the east of Ghana and Krobo and Gomoan from the northern regions. These immigrants are mainly to be found in the cocoa regions and other areas with export-oriented agricultural products.

The usual form of settlement consists of scattered farming settlements. According to a study from 1984 only 264 of 2132 recorded settlements in the district had more than 100 inhabitants. The district capital had a population of just 6,300 at that time. The district today has a population density of 53.76 people per square kilometer.


75% (according to other data 85%) of the population live from agriculture. About 5.4% are employed in the manufacturing sector, mainly at the timber companies in Manso Amenfi and Samre Boi. 7.5% are employed in the service sector, 9.5% in trade. The public sector employs 2% of the workforce. Plantains (Plantain), cassava , yams , rice , cocoa , coffee and palm oil are the main agricultural products of the district

There are significant gold deposits, particularly in the Asankrangwa gold belt, which are also being mined.

Locations in the district

  • Samre Boi
  • Asankran-Bremang
  • Manso Amenfi
  • Adjakaa-Manso
  • Wassa-Dunkwa
  • Anyinabrim
  • Juabo
  • Agona Menfi
  • Hiawa
  • Moseaso
  • Asankran-Saa
  • Kwabeng
  • Prestea -Nkwanta
  • Mumuni Camp
    (Market Center)
  • Achichire
  • Anakum
  • Amuni
  • Opintobeng
  • Kwaman
  • Ankasie
  • Ankwaso
  • Dominase
  • Wuratrem
  • Bonuama

See also


  1. see mentioned web source Investigation of Land Ownership in the District, engl.

Web links