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WASTE (also WASTE ) is a P2P - file sharing program for small workgroups of up to 50 users.

It has built-in notification functions that remind of instant messaging and IRC (list of registered users, chat rooms for several participants). Any user can share folders; other users can globally search all folders for terms or select a user to explore his shares.

Communication between the hosts in the network is encrypted . (The authentication and the exchange of the session keys are carried out using the asymmetric encryption method RSA , the actual connection is encrypted using the symmetric encryption algorithm Blowfish .)

The software was released under the GPL in 2003 by Nullsoft employees . Later the download page was taken offline at the instigation of AOL and shortly afterwards replaced by a warning that the program had been published illegally.

The legal status of WASTE has since been unclear.

WASTE works completely independently of central servers and is very stable and efficient despite its beta status. Successors with similar functions are CSpace and Turtle F2F , which also work decentrally, i.e. without a server, but also allow files to be forwarded via several friends, especially in the case of Turtle networks.

The name WASTE (abbreviation for: We Await Silent Tristero's Empire ) is based on the novel The auction of No. 49 (English: The Crying of Lot 49 ) borrowed from Thomas Pynchon , in which a secret postal service of the same name is described.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.nullsoft.com/free/waste ( Memento of the original dated February 9, 2004 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.nullsoft.com