Wealden (geology)

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Fossil conifers - saplings ( Formtaxon Sulcatocladus ) from the Wealden of Duingen (southern Lower Saxony), Worbarrow Bay (Dorset, England) and Galley Hill (East Sussex, England) in different magnifications

In the regional geology of Western Europe, Wealden is the traditional name for sediments deposited in fresh and brackish water or the sedimentary rocks of the (lower) Lower Cretaceous that emerged from them . The term is derived from the name of the southern English landscape of Weald or the Wealden district named after it . It was already in use by the English geology pioneer William Smith at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.

In the strata of the Wealden, land creatures from the early Cretaceous are often passed down. The historical type locality of the scientifically significant and well-known dinosaur genus Iguanodon is in the outcrop of the Wealden of West Sussex.

See also


  • Hans Murawski, Wilhelm Meyer: Geological dictionary. 12th edition, Spektrum, Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-8274-1810-4 , p. 187
  • Wilhelm Dunker: Monograph of the North German Wealden formation. A contribution to the geognosy and natural history of the prehistoric world. Braunschweig 1846, urn : nbn: de: gbv: 084-15062411413