White vein truffle

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White vein truffle
Leucophleps spinospora - a North American species from the genus of the white vein truffle

Leucophleps spinospora - a North American species from the genus of the white vein truffle

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Russulales (Russulales)
Family : Sheepporling relatives (Albatrellaceae)
Genre : White vein truffle
Scientific name

The white vein truffles ( Leucophleps ) are a truffle-like genus of fungus within the family of the sheep pork relatives (Albatrellaceae). The mushrooms have smooth, whitish to yellowish, truffle-like fruit bodies. The whitish gleba excretes a milk when injured. White vein truffles have more or less rounded, hyaline spores that are warty, thorny or prickly ornamented and surrounded by a gelatinous membrane. The type species of the genus is Leucophleps magnata .


Macroscopic features

The soft, subterranean (hypogeic) fruiting bodies are more or less spherical to irregularly lobed and 1–5 cm high and wide. The gleba is white and shows small, labyrinthine, tubular chambers that are 0.25-0.50 mm wide and filled with spores that are embedded in a gelatinous mass. When injured, the gleba excretes a whitish milk. A columella is not developed. (A columella is the sterile central axis that can be found inside many belly mushrooms.) The peridium , as the outer shell is called, is well developed and its surface is whitish to pale yellow or ocher yellow to brown in color. It varies in thickness and turns pink, wine-red or purple with potassium hydroxide . The fruit bodies usually have a strong odor.

Microscopic features

The 10–22 µm long and wide, hyaline spores are more or less rounded and have no apiculus . The surface is warty to prickly and surrounded by an outer, gelatinous membrane. The spores cannot be stained with iodine reagents and are therefore inamyloid . The clubbed to cylindrical or contracted basidia are 30–60 µm long and carry two or four sterigms . They arise within the gleba in an unorganized hymenium and dissolve when mature. The hyphae system is monomitic . There are no cystids or buckles . The ectomycorrhizal fungus grows underground in the ground or in the foliage or needle litter, in some cases the fruiting bodies can also protrude slightly from the ground.


The genus Leucophleps was defined in 1899 by the American mycologist Harvey Willson Harkness. An optional homonym is Cremeogaster , a name coined by Oreste Mattirolo .

"Leucon" means white in Greek and "phleps" or "phlebus" means vein, hence the German name white vein truffle.


Worldwide there are about 8-10 species, in Europe only Leucophleps aculeatispora , the European white vein truffle and Leucophleps magnata occur.


  • Steven L. Miller et al .: Perspectives in the new Russulales . In: Mycological Society of America (Ed.): Mycologia . tape 98 , no. 6 , 2006, p. 960-970 ( mycologia.org ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Harvey Wilson Harkness: Californian Hypogaeous Fungi . In: San Francisco, Calif. : The Academy (Ed.): Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Bot. III . June 1899, p. 257-259 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  2. a b c Leucophleps Harkn. : 257, 1899. In: MycoBank.org. International Mycological Association, accessed February 19, 2013 .
  3. ^ A b Jens H. Petersen & Thomas Læssøe: about the genus Leucophleps. In: MycoKey. Retrieved February 19, 2013 .
  4. Leucophleps. Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 3, bot. 1: 257 (1899). In: Index Fungorum / speciesfungorum.org. Retrieved February 20, 2013 .
  5. Leucophleps Harkn. : 257, 1899. In: MycoBank.org. International Mycological Association, accessed February 19, 2013 .

Web links

Commons : White Vein Truffle ( Leucophleps )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files