White-cheeked warrior bird

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White-cheeked warrior bird
Chauna chavaria-8.jpg

White-cheeked warrior bird ( Chauna chavaria )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Goose birds (Anseriformes)
Family : Defense birds (Anhimidae)
Genre : Crested Birds ( Chauna )
Type : White-cheeked warrior bird
Scientific name
Chauna chavaria
( Linnaeus , 1766)

The white-cheeked warrior bird ( Chauna chavaria ) is a species from the family of warrior birds , which are a family of goose birds . The population of the species is considered potentially endangered by the IUCN .


The white-cheeked warrior bird is a large, chicken-like-looking bird with fairly high legs. It becomes 76 to 91 centimeters long. Its mainly gray plumage is generally darker than that of the Collared Warrior Bird . Its neck is longer and feathered black. The white cheek region gives it its name. There are only vaguely webbed feet between his long toes. A sharp spur on the bow of the wing is cleverly used for defense.


The white-cheeked warbler is native to Colombia , south of Cartagena de Indias on lakes along the Rio Sinu , and in northwestern Venezuela around Lake Maracaibo .

Way of life

White-cheeked warbirds live in swamps, on lagoons, on the banks of slowly flowing rivers, mostly in areas surrounded by forest and often on areas that are temporarily flooded. Browse, like other geese and birds feed exclusively herbivorous of leaves and other green parts of plants. White-cheeked warbirds breed all year round, but most eggs are laid in October and November. Your nest is a large pile of plant material. Two to seven, usually three to five eggs are laid, which are incubated for 42 to 44 days. The hatched chicks have yellowish-gray down plumage and are white on the underside. They flee the nest and are only hacked during their first days .


Web links

Commons : White-cheeked Wehrvogel ( Chauna chavaria )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files