Weidling (boat type)

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Weidling made of wood
A Weidling on the Limmat, Hans Leu the Elder , around 1500
Abbot Johannes Stantenat von Salem with monks and musicians on a boat trip on Lake Constance .

A Weidling is a flat boat that is rowed forward with standing oars. It is usually 10 meters long and weighs around 320 kilograms. It used to be made of wood, today it is also made of plastic and metal. There is also the long ship, which is 15 meters long and 1700 kilograms in weight.


The Weidling is traditionally rowed forwards in deep water with one standing oar (as in the Venedian gondola) or two standing oars (one at the back and one in front opposite), or two crossed standing oars at the rear. In the shallow bank area they are pushed up the river with one or two so-called spikes . The weidling can also be pulled from land on suitable banks, this process is called towing . If the boat has a corresponding recess in the floor at the stern or a flat transom, it can also be equipped with an outboard motor .

History and use

At around 5000 years old, this type of boat is probably one of the oldest types of ship in the world and was also used by the Celts . Even today it is widespread, especially in Switzerland, on rivers and lakes. It is used by the Swiss army as ferrying boat used. The genius troupe was responsible for the construction of bridges and river buildings. The bridge builders and skippers are called pontoners . The transfer boats have a flat transom. Pontoniers also practice dealing with Weidlingen in their free time in clubs and at competitions. The sport of water driving is practiced exclusively with Weidling. Weidlinge are available as rescue vehicles in many beach, river and seaside resorts.

Similar boats

Web links

Commons : Weidling  - collection of images, videos and audio files