Weirich von Gemmingen (1575-1613)

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Weirich von Gemmingen (* March 5, 1575 ; † March 31, 1613 ) was the landlord in Michelfeld and owned numerous other places. With him as the last male descendant, the Gemmingen-Michelfeld line of the barons of Gemmingen died out in 1613.


He came from the Michelfeld line of the Lords of Gemmingen and was a son of Leonhard von Gemmingen (1536–1583) and Esther von Bödigheim (1540–1592). The father had inherited the property of his brother Sebastian (1522–1575), who had remained childless , and again combined the entire property of the family line in Michelfeld, Ingenheim, Hilsbach, Stbbach and other places, but had died when Weirich was still a minor. He was therefore under the tutelage of Hans Philipp von Helmstatt and came young to the court of Count Philipp Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg . He moved to Hungary and toured France and Italy. After his return he married Rosine von Neipperg, the widow of his guardian, in 1605. In the same year he sold the noble estate in Hilsbach that his father had acquired. He died in 1613 and was buried in Michelfeld. His widow entered into another marriage with a Freiherr von Daun.

Weirich had another sister, Benedikta (1572–1628), who was married to Wolf Konrad Greck von Kochendorf. Most of the goods on the Gemmingen-Michelfeld line went to Greck, while the part of Michelfeld connected to Michelfeld Castle came to relatives of the Gemmingen tribe B (Hornberg) who exercised local rule in Michelfeld until the end of the imperial knighthood.


  • Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Stocker : Family Chronicle of the Barons of Gemmingen , Heidelberg 1895, pp. 233-234.
  • Walter von Hueck: Lineage of the Barons von Gemmingen , Limburg an der Lahn 1966.