Leonhard von Gemmingen

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Leonhard von Gemmingen (* August 22, 1536 ; † 1583 ) was the landlord in Michelfeld and owned numerous other places.


He came from the Michelfeld line of the Lords of Gemmingen and was a son of Weirich von Gemmingen (1493–1548) and Benedikta von Nippenburg (1500–1570). While his brother Sebastian (1522–1575) inherited the property in Ingenheim , the property in Michelfeld fell to him. He enrolled in Heidelberg in 1549 , then went to France and later to the Palatinate court , where he met his wife. In 1569 he and his brother were given the right to set up a stick and a gallows, as the subjects had been rebellious since 1556. After the death of his brother Sebastian in 1575 he inherited his property, he acquired further property from the inheritance of Anna von Gemmingen , who died in 1577 , and he also acquired an estate in Stebbach . He died in 1583 and was buried in Michelfeld.


He was married to Esther von Bödigheim (1540–1592). She was sick all the time and was in bed when she got married. She was also buried in Michelfeld. Leonhard's childless brother Sebastian was also married to a Bödigheim daughter, the paralyzed Juliane von Bödigheim. Leonhard's possession at the Ganerbenschaft Lehrensteinsfeld at half Ittlingen , the estate in Stebbach which Gemminger Hof in Heidelberg and in Ingenheim and part of Michelfeld came to the son Wolf Conrad Greck of Kochendorf. The remaining ownership came to son Weirich, who in 1613 as the last of the line died Gemmingen-Michel Field childless and came into his inheritance relatives of the Gemminger strain Hornberg, up to the local government in Michelfeld media coverage of the imperial knights in the early 19th century continue exercising.


  • Benedikta (1572–1628) ⚭ Wolf Konrad Greck von Kochendorf
  • Weirich (1575–1613) ⚭ Raisin from Neipperg


  • Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Stocker : Family Chronicle of the Barons of Gemmingen , Heidelberg 1895, pp. 231-233.
  • Walter von Hueck: Lineage of the Barons von Gemmingen , Limburg an der Lahn 1966.