Wendlandia angustifolia

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Wendlandia angustifolia
Euasterids I
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Red family (Rubiaceae)
Genre : Wendlandia
Type : Wendlandia angustifolia
Scientific name
Wendlandia angustifolia

Wendlandia angustifolia is an extinct species of the family of the redness plants (Rubiaceae). It wasendemicto the Western Ghats of Indiaand at Tirunelveli .


Wendlandia angustifolia was a small, smooth tree that reached a height of 4 m. The branches were pretty thin. The three-part leaves stood together like a whorl. They were 7.6 cm to 10.2 cm long and between 0.9 cm and 1.7 cm wide. The leaf margin was narrow, linear-lanceolate. The tip of the leaf was pointed and the base of the leaf narrowed into a short petiole. The leaves were leathery and not shiny. The midrib was strong. There were eight pairs of very thin leaf veins. The triangular ovoid stipules were pointed and did not fall off. The thin, pyramidal, flower panicles were leafy on the underside. The calyx teeth were awl-shaped. The corolla tube was 4.6 mm long. The corolla lobes were almost circular. The stamens protruded briefly. The short, club-shaped scars were whole or in two parts.


Wendlandia angustifolia grew in forests at lower altitudes, especially on river banks.


Wendlandia angustifolia is known only from the type material that Richard Henry Beddome collected in the 19th century in Courtallam in the Western Ghats and near Tirunelveli . Despite intensive searches, the species was not rediscovered and declared extinct by the IUCN in 1998.


  • Nayar, MP & Sastry, ARK (Eds.) 1987. Red Data Book of Indian Plants. Vol. 1 Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta.
  • Oldfield, S., Lusty, C. & MacKinven, A. (Compiler) 1998. The World List of Threatened Trees . World Conservation Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Joseph Dalton Hooker : Flora of British India. Volume III. Caprifoliaceae to Apocynaceae . P. 40. L. Reeve & Co. Lloyds Bank Buildings, Bank Street, Ashford, Kent. 1882.

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