Wenzel Köhler (philologist)

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Memorial stone with portrait in Ściegny (Steinseiffen)

Wenzel Köhler (* late 15th century in Steinseiffen , Duchy of Schweidnitz-Jauer ; † 1546 ) was a German humanist , philologist and physician . He used the nicknames Ant (h) raceus and from Hirschberg . Köhler was a supporter of the Erasmus of Rotterdam . Köhler spoke Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He was the first Hebraist in Krakow.

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Wenzel Köhler came from a Köhler family , was born in Steinseiffen near Krummhübel and lived in Hirschberg at a young age . From 1507 to 1513 he studied at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow . After graduating, he settled in Krakow, where he worked as a doctor and professor of philology at the Jagiellonian University. Even though Köhler did not attend any Hebrew classes and it is not known where he got his knowledge of Hebrew from, he became the first Hebraist in Krakow.


  • Adolf Andrejew: Wacław Koler, sławny medyk krakowski w świetle swego inwentarza , 1984

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Polish personal database
  2. Poland and Austria in the 16th century ; by Walter Leitsch, Stanisław Trawkowski; 1997
  3. ^ Reception of Christian Hebrew Studies in Renaissance Poland