Werner II (Habsburg)

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Werner II. Count von Habsburg († 19 August 1167 ) was the son of Otto II. Count von Habsburg .


Werner II appears as early as 1135 in the possession of the Landgraviate of Upper Alsace , where the family had extensive estates before, and the umbrella bailiff over the Muri monastery , to which Lucerne and the other localities also belonged.

He died in Italy when an epidemic broke out in the imperial army after the battle of Tusculum .


∞ Ita von Starkenberg (in Tyrol)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Ulrich Fisch's book of arms . Aarau 1622, Werner the third diß named , p. 27 ( Aargau State Archives, V / 4-1985 / 0001: 27r - Fisch also has a Werner II., His father, son Otto II., ∞ Ita von Homburg. Werner the other named. Ibid. P. 26 Sp. 2 ).
predecessor Office successor
? Otto II. / Rudolf (I.) / Werner II. Count of Habsburg
? –1167
Albrecht III.